Submitted by Lakewood Mayor Don Anderson.
On Tuesday Governor Inslee refused to follow his own arbitrary COVID-19 guidelines which would have re-imposed “Phase 2” restrictions on King, Snohomish and other counties. Three weeks earlier he had no problem restricting freedom and commerce in Pierce County when we had COVID-19 case count and hospitalization metrics which were essentially the same as those counties now report. The Governor continues to assert that his mandates are made on the basis of science. It is now abundantly clear that his science is political science. He does not dare upset his political base, so the rules for King County are different.
We should make no mistake. It is imperative that we do our part to defeat the pandemic. We all need to take advantage of the potentially lifesaving vaccine that is now available to Pierce County residents in adequate quantities and even vaccinated individuals need to act responsibly with respect to indoor activities. But while state guidelines have been re-written to allow tens of thousands of spectators to attend professional sporting events in Seattle, thousands of fragile businesses in Pierce County and in my hometown of Lakewood are being pushed over a financial cliff by an inconsistent application of rules which the state doesn’t apply to our more densely populated neighbors. If it isn’t necessary to apply those rules equally to Seattle, it shouldn’t be necessary to apply them to Puyallup, Sumner, Orting, Edgewood, Bonney Lake or DuPont.
After fourteen months of obfuscated, ever changing proclamations, it is well past time to end arbitrary “emergency” dictates that sway with the political wind and favor those who favor the ruler. Our forbearers rejected one man rule for good reason and we are now witnesses to their wisdom. We must return to the sometimes ugly transparency of representative democracy, require reasoned legislative votes on pandemic related mandates and apply any restrictions deemed absolutely necessary to all residents of the State of Washington fairly and equally under the law.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Inslee needs to be recalled
Mayor Anderson-
Perfectly said …”his science is political science”.
Agree 100% with all this submission states.
If our local politicians (Pierce County/Tacoma/Lakewood/etc.) had any backbone they’d tell Inslee to take a hike instead of pleading with him! Indeed, Inslee has routinely violated federal and state legitimately legislated laws (immigration, drug, etc. vs. fiat proclamations), with impunity. Selective law enforcement by government officials has become the new standard: don’t like a law, don’t enforce it or even better actively violate it! What would Inslee do if Pierce County pulled an “Inslee” on Inslee? What could he do; any more than the federal and state government have done? The answer is “nothing”. However that would take some courage which appears to be in short supply. The time for writing letters is over! It’s action that’s needed.
Agree. It’s time for Mayor Anderson (and Pierce County Exec Dammeier) to declare that no city or county resources will be used to enforce Phase II restrictions for the duration of this inconsistent decree.
Mayor Anderson—
Thank you for speaking out.
I don’t advocate ignoring the risks of COVID, but ignoring the actual science about it is really hurting people, our children, and causing increasing cynicism and mistrust of government. For over a year the rules have been suspended or ignored for “favored” entities or activities while those who just questioned things have gotten crushed. Now, this latest “gaming of the rules” has evoked a number of bitter observations in media to that effect.
I wonder if it is not time for people of good will to consider the lead of Baker City, OR and begin to respectfully, peacefully, but firmly say “no more” – we are going to follow the real science, not the “political science” (well said), and open up our lives appropriately.
This country has a rich history of positive civil disobedience. Maybe it’s time for a new chapter.
Overall, Gov. Inslee has done a very good job keeping Washington safe and now getting vaccinated. As a healthcare worker (working in a high risk environment) I am grateful for his leadership. That said, yes, the rules need to be enforced equally around the state, in every county.
As someone who works and lives in Pierce County the only rules I think we all should be following still are the mask mandates. Granted, not everyone is vaccinated, but that is coming soon and probably even beyond that point unless we are gathering with immediate family members, I still believe the safest thing to do is to mask up. So long as we are socially distanced in any public venue, like restaurants etc, I believe we have reached the point of just being diligent in protecting ourselves and those around us. As a customer, if I am not happy with how this is practiced someplace, I can choose not to go there or participate.
I am just still amazed that there are so many people who just don’t seem to care, except about themselves. Masking is not “such a bother” and it is not okay for you to say a mask mandate is trampling your rights if you are trampling mine by not wearing one when it is appropriate to do so. No one person’s rights are more important than anyone else’s.
Maybe if Pierce County didn’t lag so far in # of vaccinated people we could go back to phase 3. Look at the # of new cases here, they are still too high. People crowding in lines, pulling down masks to socialize on phones are not only annoying they are keeping us in phase 2.
Do your part Pierce County residents!
Pierce County residents worked to prevent the spread of the virus and we moved into Phase III. Then we slacked off; case numbers rose. hospitalizations increased, and more people died so we had restrictions reinstated. Why do you blame the Governor for our behavior? The leaders in our county should be concerned about our residents actions and not whine about perceived benefits others may have received..
No one wrote and “blamed the Governor for our behavior” or disagreed that cases rose. The frustration is that when similar case numbers rose in King and other counties this week those counties were not rolled back a phase. The Gov took a “pause”. Either enforce restrictions equally or not at all.
Unfortunately, I need to respond to some of the comments above:
1. Those blaming Pierce County residents, miss the Mayor’s point. Re-read what he said. Given that King’s metrics are similar to Pierce’s, we again see a non-science, arbitrary Inslee “rule.” If stopping COVID is our goal, King, et al, need to have skin in the game.
2. I’m grateful for the risks assumed by our health care worker. These folks have been heroic in their commitment to others. Unfortunately his position on masking is unclear. The science (which I hope he cares about) clearly shows masks are not needed out doors, yet I routinely see walkers, joggers, bike riders, etc., wearing masks. There is evidence that prolonged masking is unhealthy and even dangerous when exercising. The CDC has even stated that out door maskless, non-social distanced activities pose minimal to no risk. However, I do carry a mask and wear it where required and where appropriate out of respect for the anxious souls among us.
3. I’ve be vaccinated. The stated purpose of being vaccinated is to protect me, and make it unlikely that I could infect others. That’s the point – period. I got lots of vaccinations for my overseas tours in the military. They worked. Yet I’m told I have to still mask up. The evidence of transmission by vacc’d or those infected and recovered is about zero. But the mask fetish continues.
4. On this point, the seasonal flu is deadly too, transmissible via air and we get vacc’d for it. Interestingly, no mask mandates during flue season, and not everyone gets a flue shot – but no similar outcry. Curious! Maybe some folks actually don’t believe these vaccines are effective?
5. I respect the opinions of the Inslee supporters. But I strongly disagree. He claims following the science, yet never reveals what metric(s) inform his positions. Thus he avoids debate – sort of like his “no follow up question” policy at pressers. I also note he is a follower – no original ideas but adopts what CA or OR come up with (Ex: Gov Brown’s “waiting period” f or roll backs.). However, he did decide to take some of his apples from our “maggot” area over to the “maggot quarantine” Eastern side of the state which heavily relies on apple exports. The progress in WA against COVID is due to our citizens efforts, not Inlee’s leadership. He gets a D+.
Well said. I agree with you nearly 100%–but I do admit that I’m beginning to look at people outside with masks as the ever-frightened. I do not think their fear should dictate policy for those who actually do read sources other than legacy media and/or think for themselves instead of thinking in media delivered sound-bites.
The agenda is fear and dependence. I should say that I haven’t heard a peep from the government about how to improve one’s immune system (get outside, exercise, lose weight, supplement vitamin D, support behaviors that mitigate metabolic syndrome (of which about 90% are behavioral and within one’s own control). The fact is I quit listening to him when he said he did’t know what CHAZ was in Seattle, and then laughed about it.
Other than the Suburban Times, I’ve been on a ‘water only fast’ of legacy media since 5 Jan–once I saw the outcome of the GA elections.
The first casualties of COVID were the truth and then shortly thereafter trust in our institutions, and liberty. I was willing to give Inslee a chance, but he blew it. He acted too late (the first infection in Kirkland in January. He didn’t act until mid-March–then he did so with his ‘essential’ list. Probably should have started with cutting the state government down by 30-40%. I began to social distance, change my behavior in mid-February.
If Inslee was an actual leader, he would have put in Draconian measures in January–or by mid-February. Instead, these leftists played politics–it was racist to have a flight ban from China, it was racist to call it WuFlu…but instead he waited until it was too late.
The only randomized controlled trial of masks – ever – in Denmark demonstrated masks helped at a whopping .3%. Likely the same effectiveness as Inslee’s climate foolishness.
To those who insist on masks, I ask them if we should now change all speed limits to 4 MPH.
I no longer respect the opinions of Inslee followers. I want to ask the next person who says he/she is ‘following the science’ to tell me the scientific method–then are these the same scientists who tell me there are 80+ genders, there is no difference between a man and a woman, and all of the CDC employees who tweeted ‘racism is deadlier than COVID’ this summer?
Sadly, the left has now become illiberal, tyrannical, tribal, Neo-racists who put identity politics before anything, non-thinking ideologues. Truly a sad. Their hatred of Trump distorted their thinking, and it continues.
Why the vitriol? I’m tired of the vicious attacks that are becoming the only way some can communicate.
Now I am curious. Can any of you tell me what personal benefit or gain the governor gets from his “politically motivated covid-19 mandates”? Also, I am at a loss to understand how it is that most cannot see that the virus does not infect everyone in the state in the same manner or proportion. I just don’t get it.
Mr. Arbeeny, I do understand how many came to believe that they do not have to follow the rules or the law. I think Mr. Trump set a very fine example of this for the nation. I also think that it is because of him, specifically, that the country is not done with this virus. I also place the blame on him for most of the deaths that the country has endured.
For myself, I still will wear a mask. I have had my shots, but that does not make it certain that all those I encounter have had theirs. Nor does it give me evidence that I am safe from someone who carries a variation of the virus that could still kill me.
Mr. Ecker, The CDC has never said anything produces no risk. There is no PPE that is 100 percent effective. Masks do help, they have been used in operating rooms for a hundred years.