At its May 3 meeting, the University Place City Council will review the Planning Commission’s recommendations regarding the introduction of 5G wireless technology across the city via Small Cell Distributed Network Systems.
Unlike macro systems that rely on tall towers, facilities on existing buildings and other structures such as water towers on private property, micro-systems (small cell) rely on small antenna located on existing utility poles along public streets. Although macro antenna located on a few tall towers can have a range of several miles, micro antenna only range between 4,000 and 6,000 feet. Yet this tighter network can handle more signals at faster speeds. As few as 12 micro antennas can provide coverage for the entire city.

In drafting its recommendations, the Planning Commission reviewed Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations regarding the siting of Small Cell Distributed Network Systems, including statutory requirements related to State and local government review of infrastructure siting applications. The Planning Commission’s recommendations include these factors as well as proposed regulations regarding application and permit processing, modification of existing facilities and design standards for different types of antenna, antenna locations and ancillary equipment to protect the environment and U.P.’s community aesthetics.
The Planning Commission’s recommendations can be read in their entirety here and are also posted on the City’s website.