Tacoma, WA – Celebrate Bike Month by cycling to the Downtown Farmers Market on May 6 (10am-3pm, on Broadway between S. 9th and St. 11th)! Visit the Downtown On the Go (DOTG) booth to get more information about bike resources as well as details for the events we have planned for the summer, including Bike Bingo and our Walk Tacoma series. The Market will be generously offering $2 market tokens to those that travel by bike to the market on May 6th, so don’t forget to stop by the Market info booth to get yours!
DOTG is proud to join organizations across Tacoma-Pierce County to celebrate the many benefits of bicycling for transportation and recreation this May. In light of these unprecedented times – this Bike Month will look different from years past – but organizations participating in Bike Month will be sharing bicycling-related resources, activities, and tips throughout the month. Get more info about Bike Month here, and follow Tacoma Mobility on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay up to date with events and activities.

Thank you to the Puyallup Watershed Initiative Active Transportation Communities of Interest for sponsoring our Bike Month events.
For more information on DOTG’s cycling events, visit www.downtownonthego.org or find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Yeah, bike to the market, and take the bus home. Those hills downtown are killers.