Submitted by DuPont Historical Society.
The DuPont Historical Society and Museum staff invite you to join us for a walking tour of Historic DuPont Village (DuPont, WA) led by museum volunteers. Walking on city sidewalks the tour will cover about a mile and a half pointing out and discussing historic DuPont Company homes, Johnson Brothers General Store, Carsten’s Meat Market, information on School District #7 and its schools, and the still active 1917 Presbyterian Church and more. This tour is free and open to the public of all ages. Walkers 12 and under need to be accompanied by an adult.

Saturday morning May 8, 2021, meet at the DuPont Historical Museum located at 207 Barksdale Ave, DuPont WA by 9:50 a.m. to register. Tour starts at 10:00 and should last about 1 ½ hours. Rain or shine come prepared. All participants will be required to wear a mask. Call 253-964-2399 or email for more information.