Submitted by Governor Jay Inslee.
Gov. Jay Inslee directed Attorney General Bob Ferguson today to investigate Pierce County Sheriff Ed Troyer for potential criminal violations in late January when the sheriff called 911 and claimed that a black man in his neighborhood had threatened to kill him. This action is taken pursuant to RCW 43.10.230 and .232, which authorizes the governor to grant the attorney general concurrent authority and power with local prosecuting authorities.
In a letter sent to John Hillman, of the Criminal Justice Division in the Office of the Attorney General, Inslee references Tacoma Police Incident No. 2102700104; Investigation of False Reporting (RCW 9A.84.040) and/or other criminal violations of the Revised Code of Washington occurring on or about January 27, 2021 by Pierce County Sheriff Ed Troyer.
“The initial reports of these events were very concerning to me, and I had hoped to see some action taken to initiate a criminal investigation at the local level. But, to my knowledge, that has not happened almost three months after the incident,” Inslee said. “So now the state is stepping in. I have spoken to Attorney General Ferguson and his office will conduct this investigation and make the decision whether to initiate prosecution.”
“I appreciate the governor’s confidence in our office,” Ferguson said. “We will conduct a diligent, fact-based review.”
These two clowns (Inslee & Ferguson) should be investigating themselves for criminal misconduct before they investigate anyone else. Both of these clowns belong in prison. Inslee needs to be worrying more about getting the state fully opened and Ferguson has done nothing for the state. A a waste of taxpayers money have these two clowns in office.
“But to my knowledge”? Does Inslee have the ability to think with his own mind? He never has or he wouldn’t be hiring other people to think for him and make the decisions. Inslee is nothing but a czar and is using his executive powers to make this a political control. Inslee and his cronies, Ferguson want to control the state in a socialism way. And who is paying for all of this? Remember people, if you voted for Inslee and his cronies, you are paying for all of this with your tax dollars instead of getting the state out of debt.
One man’s opinion:
It appeares to me that the various investigators assigned to the Sheriff Ed Troyer matter, need to put sme focus on synonym analysis to determine what is really being said.
Synonynms allow one to speak the same message in different ways using different words that mean the same or nearly the same.
If the public official is proved to have STATED “He is trying to kill me.” and the death threat is not factual, than the public official LIED. We do not expect or desire to have public officials in office who are not truthful.
If the pubic official is proved to have RETRACTED his statement, that “He is trying to kill me.”, while under the stress of being introviewed by the Tacoma Police Department, than maybe that is the TRUTH.
In the end it is my opinion that if proven, a LIE and the TRUTH should not be whitewashed with synonyms STATED & RETRACTED.
Joseph Boyle
Jenny Durkan let Thuds occupy the “CHOPPED ZONE and Inslee was brain dead. Now he is concerned about public safety?????? What a loser!!!!!! Beautiful State run by incompetent people. He thought he could be President of the US. He is a clown act! Then he thought Brain dead Biden would ask him to be the CLIMATE CHANGE EXPERT”. He should open up the Capital grounds for the homeless people, HE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ENABLING THEM!!!!!
Pierce County Council is spending $50,000. For an independent investigation. Now more $$$ on this. IF he lied, not the first time an elected person did that ! Was this a FBAR, oh ya. Was he qualified when elected? Why do we have these issues ? Oh ya, see previous question.