When someone calls 9-1-1, it is because they need help. The first voice they connect with is a dispatcher, who stays calm and grounded, even when the caller is not. West Pierce Fire & Rescue would like to publicly recognize South Sound 911 dispatchers and the work they do daily, but especially during Telecommunicators Week.
While dispatchers speak to the 9-1-1 caller to assess the situation and send emergency crews to a scene, they also work to keep those crews safe. During any incident, the radio is a first responder’s lifeline and the dispatcher is listening to radio traffic to ensure their safety and needs.
Without dispatchers, firefighters and police officers wouldn’t be able to get where they need to go in order to help the community. So while this week is a time to recognize their work, they deserve thanks all year long. Thank you, South Sound 911 dispatchers, for all you do.
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