This week crews will be pave, install curb and gutter, sidewalks and ADA ramps on S. 3rd Street and MLK Jr. Way and plan to open this intersection on Friday, April 9. Drivers will not be able to turn left at the S. 3rd St. and MLK Jr. Way intersection until the intersection opens. To access Kaiser Permanente, please follow S. J St. to S. 3rd St. or MLK Jr. Way north to S. 3rd St. To access Jackson Hall, follow MLK Jr. Way south from Division Ave. Please allow a little extra time to reach your destination – thank you.
Crews continue to install track on Commerce Street from I-705 to the Theater District Station. On E. 25th St., crews are installing a stormwater line, water line and curb and gutter near the expanded Operations and Maintenance Facility.

This week, the contractor will resume underground electrical work at Martin Luther King Jr. Way and S. 17th St and S 18th St. In mid-April, the contractor plans to complete the track installation in the Division Avenue and MLK Jr. Way intersection and move to the area on Division Ave. from J St. to I St. The contractor also plans to advance the track installation on Commerce St. to the area between S. 7th St. and S. 9th St. in mid-April.
Construction and traffic restrictions at Commerce Street, S. 7th Street, Division Avenue, Martin Luther King Jr. Way, S. 3rd Street, and E. 25th Street
Week of April 5
- Commerce Street from I-705 to crosswalk north of Theater District Station – street closure.
- S. 7th Street at Commerce Street – intersection closed.
- Division Avenue from MLK Jr. Way to S. J St. – eastbound lane closure.
- Martin Luther King Jr. Way from S. 3rd St. to Division Ave – northbound lane closure, opening on Friday April 9..
- S. 3rd St. at MLK Jr. Way – no left turns until intersection opens on Friday.
- E. 25th Street from McKinley Ave. to E. J St – eastbound lane closure.