Office chairs don’t last forever. Years ago, I don’t remember how many . . . but years ago Peg, and I bought matching office/desk chairs at Office Depot. Eventually, my chair let me down . . . literally. I would be sitting at my desk and I would find myself sinking. I moved my chair out under the carport where our occasional worker and homeless friend, Richard sits and works on his mowers. He’s shorter and weighs less. It’s gotten a little worse for wear since it was moved out. I took over the extra desk chair.
Eventually the extra chair ceased to recline, so I removed the back and sat on the chair as it was. I was careful not to lean back. Recently Peg complained about her chair and wanted it replaced, so it was time to shop for chairs again. We went to Office Depot. Peg found one she liked. I was ambivalent. I suggested we check out Action Business Furniture on South 38th and Cedar, just a few yards away from one of our old favorite Mexican restaurant, The Funky Iguana.

Action Business Furniture sells new and used office furniture. We walked in and I almost turned around. The first chair I saw was almost six hundred dollars . . . I kept on walking towards the back of the store where they had a selection of used chairs. I saw two emerald green chairs that I thought would work nicely for us. Peg tried out both and chose one. If Peg’s happy, I’m happy. Happy wife: happy life. While she was trying out her new (used actually) chair I sat down in another chair and it fit me nicely. There were three of them at only $29 each. Now, I was happy. I suggested to Peg that we should get two of them: one for me and one for the occasional client that visits. The majority of our work involves clientèle locations, and not my office. We do most of our business over the phone and the internet. My desk is actually just a table holding two computers and two huge monitors and other electronic gear. Art, toys, and creative pieces decorate my workshop/office.

While Peg paid for the chairs I called my son Patrick to see if he could help with pickup and delivery. We set a time to meet at eleven on Saturday. As Peg and I drove home, Peg mentioned that the saleswoman had given us the third chair at half-price. Now, I was more than happy.
Saturday, I arrived early at the store. I introduced myself and gave my business card and receipt to Bud Truebenbach. I rolled all three chairs up near the front door. Looking at the two I had chosen it struck me that there were no arm rests on them. I sat down on them again. They were still comfy, however. As I waited, I walked around looking over desks, dividers, shelves and finally found myself back amongst the used chairs. At the last row, by the aisle to the back door, I spied three matching chairs for only $19.00 each. I sat in one and it was comfortable. I wheeled it up front with others and approached Bud. I said, “Fifteen even on the $19.00 black chair?” Bud nodded, yes. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill and a handful of quarters. Bud just took the ten. I like Bud.

Patrick arrived and we put two chairs in the back seat of his crew cab and two in the canopy covered truck bed. Back home we wheeled out the old chairs and wheeled in the new ones. Peg loves her new desk chair, I love my new chair, and we now have two extras for clients or grandkids. The last time we ordered file cabinets I got them from Seattle and one of them was defective. Next time, I think we’ll go shopping with Bud.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Hi Don, not sure why but I found your story of the normal ordinary task of finding office chairs a glimpse of hope in this long year of cautious behavior and scary news. Second hand deals, extra chairs for the grandkids to use, the simple things that bring joy.
Thanks for sharing.
Mary Clare,
Thanks for commenting. I’m glad you found hope in my article. I think we all need as much hope as we can gather in today’s world. My wife and I are buying another chair to give to my cousin Lindy. She celebrated Valentine’s day a week later due to the snow. She say in each of our chairs and loved the last one. Just before reading your comment, Peg suggested we buy the matching chair at Action for my cousin. I agree.
And no . . . thank you for sharing.
Only chair I will mess with is a Steelcase Leap.
Thanks for commenting. We use the “butt” test. If it’s comfortable and holds my 230 pounds I’m good. If Peg’s chair passes the comfy test we go for it. Happy life, happy wife.
Thanks for sharing. Steelcase Leap looks like it would support me . . .
I love Action Business Furniture! It’s filled with a world of possibilities. If you can’t find it there, it probably doesn’t exist.
Always good to hear from you.
While I waited for my son, I enjoyed the walk-a-round . . . and thinking for those “possibilities.” I even looked at the art.
Thanks for sharing.