I grew up playing with and making model cars and airplanes. They all met their demise when I got my Red Ryder BB Gun . . . well, the gun and fire crackers.
Model cars still attract me. I have a Ford Cobra that sits on my desk taunting me. It knows that even if I have a Red Ryder BB Gun, I wouldn’t shoot the Cobra because it’s a metal replica and not a plastic model. I keep my eyes open for similar model cars for my two sons. The cars are great to look at, dream about, and play with . . . when no one else is around, of course.

My wife and I just stopped in at St Vinnies on South 56th. She bought a number of children’s books for our expanding brood. I walked away with an eight dollar treasure. It’s a 1996 Jaguar XK8. It measures just over ten inches long. The hood, the doors, and the trunk all open. The seats recline, and the steering wheel even works. I may play with it for awhile and then give it away . . . maybe.
Why is this 1996 Jaguar XK8 a treasure? I did a search on eBay to compare. Same color, same model, and same excellent condition, but instead of eight dollars plus tax, the owner is asking nearly fifty dollars plus over thirty dollars for shipping. Bargain or Treasure? I could play with my Jaguar for a year and probably sell it for five or six times what I paid for it or possibly much more. Or I could donate it back to St Vinnies. In the mean time St Vinnies was given the car at no cost, so they made an eight dollar profit that will go to help our neighbors in Pierce County. St Vinnies provides vouchers for food, and helps with rent and utilities for struggling families.

Like my 1996 Jaguar XK 8, St Vinnies is a treasure. You should stop to shop . . . you might find your own treasure to boast about!
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
I agree .St.Vinnies is a great place to shop, especially for books. And it’s always fascinating to just roam…many bargains to be found.
I found a good toilet there, still using it.
Thank you for the comment. I didn’t really need to hear about your toilet, but I do understand close relationships. Thanks for sharing . . . and the morning laughter on my part.
Thanks for commenting.
You are absolutely correct. While I was looking at my treasure, my wife was busily choosing books for our great-granddaughter. They were in pristine condition (looked brand new) and are perfect for a first birthday gift coming up in April. You never know what you’ll be find, so you’re usually surprised and well pleased, no matter what.
Thanks for sharing.