At the end of each Zoom Coffee Chat (and Change The World) session, participants vote on what should come next. At the last Coffee on February 8, 83% of the attendees voted that while crafts were good, and food was nice, what they really wanted was ideas for places to go and things to do – no doubt a reaction to the long, long isolation due to Covid-19.
So the next Coffee and Chat on February 22 at 9 a.m. will feature ideas for getting out of the house and finding easy walks in the area where you live. Featured guest will be author Marjorie Turner Hollman who has written Finding Easy Walks Wherever You Are, a book for people who can’t or don’t care to hike, or ride even motorcycles.

Hollman has written books about finding walks all over New England, but she points out, there are great places to walk everywhere, if you only know how to look for them. Featured on Monday’s Coffee, will be the Curran Orchard in University Place. Hollman will give tips for locating the places in your community most likely to be but because the audience is international, she will offer strategies for finding easy walking places no matter where you live.

Very popular in last week’s poll too, was Father Fred Mayovsky whose regular feature is, “Father Fred Tells It Like It Is.” His topic will be “GIVE UP or TAKE ON?”
Chef Annesa McLendon will have ideas for company treats you can make from items you have on hand. Remember, Coffee Chat (and Change the World) is one fast moving hour of resource people and ideas and since everyone today has the attention span of a flea, none of the segments last more than 8 minutes. So watch and listen fast. We did this just for you.
To register, go to with questions and suggestions,