Valentines Day is on the way. This is not a big surprise, but for way too many of us, it’s not a great treat either. Here, in the nick of time, next Monday’s Coffee Chat (and Change the World) will aim to make the day a little more pleasant on January 25 at 9 am. No big promises. But we do what we can. In one fast moving, free, hour here’s what will happen.
New addition: Anyone who ever attended Bellarmine High School in Tacoma will be excited by our new guest spot. Father Fred Mayovsky, SJ Having left the class room will now set us straight with his new feature: Father Fred Tells It Like It Is. He’ll answer questions from listeners, sort of a Dear Abby with a white collar. Be sure and get your questions to us at
Valentine day Food requires that practically everything be shaped like a heart.

- Chef Anessa McClendon promises she’ll have some ideas for Valentine Treats NOT heart shaped.
In case you’ve decided not to go out and buy another one of those awful Valentines with the fart jokes:
Jessica Bridges will show us how to make a simple pop up valentine. Pop up. You open the card and something good pops out. How often can that happen?

At the last Coffee Chat Character Actor Bill Lewis spoke so movingly of his time in the Peace Corps, that two ladies proposed. Well, they said they were in love. That’s the same thing, isn’t it? So Bill is going to share another memory and remind us of some of the rewards that can come from volunteering.

Sam Longoria, Hollywood Character actor who worked on the original Ghostbusters will share a memory or two.
In honor of Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week, we’ll meet a Grandmother who will share the story of her Grandson, A little boy born with a literal broken heart –who required several surgeries before his 1st birthday.
And of course, Dr. Patt Schwab will remind us of days to celebrate with a special look at her Obscure Holiday ebook.
Coffee Chat (and Change the world), is a fun fast moving FREE virtual hour every other Monday
Which aims to build a worldwide community of resources, fun and interesting people which takes place every other Monday morning at 9:00 Pacific Time every other Monday morning.
Register or ask questions by going to