If the Clover Park School District Board of Directors is so concerned about a three word statement by a fellow board member – which led to a special meeting being called for him to explain his alleged racist statement – then how do board members know when they see actual racism?

If the board of directors is so influenced by a letter riddled with unsubstantiated charges against that one board member – a letter in which letter the intent of his comment is called “blatant bigotry and racism,” and in which he is labeled “an explicit racist” and dismissed as “a considerable liability” – how can those board members expect the district’s students to complete assignments that reflect well-reasoned, thoughtful, objective and critical thinking?
If the school board has within its purview the Executive Board of the Clover Park Education Association (EBCPEA) – an entity which promotes Diversity and Inclusion and which Association wrote a letter signed by all its members to the school board which demands a “remedy” to what it deems was “a racist and public act” – how should the school board respond?
Despite a Public Records Request, the EBCPEA’s letter has not been posted.
The Washington Free Beacon wants answers.
For that matter, so too does The College Fix, Breitbart News, the Clarion News and other national media.
In a January 7 article written by the Beacon’s Chrissy Clark, she pointed out that “Wagemann, a former Marine Corps pilot, has been a staunch advocate of Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs, which provide vocational training for teenagers.”
This is the opposite of the EBCPEA’s letter message, which associated Wagemann’s “comment and thinking” as that which subjects students and their families “with the abuses and atrocities of institutional racism.”
About the time this article goes to press, the Clover Park School District Board will publish its agenda for its January 11 meeting at which time there will be a discussion of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.
The nation is watching.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Activist seeks to target Clover Park school board member » Publications » Washington Policy Center
“The problem is that targeted attacks like this by a losing candidate violate election norms, and discourage caring members of the community from seeking public service. Aggression and cancel culture have a chilling effect on free speech and open debate, and lead to frustration by those who are sincerely trying to help children learn.”
To join the rest of the nation watching the Clover Park School Board, join their meeting on Monday, January 11, 6 P.M. using password: 563795 at this link:
Link for the Washington Policy Center article referenced above:
Ben, Shouldn’t this also have the disclaimer “The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.”
Shouldn’t most of them?