Two days into 2020, while everyone was planning for a better year (how could it possibly be worse, right?), of all of the options on how to handle Iran, Trump decided to point his 45 at Iran’s equivalent of Colin Powell for reasons that are still unclear; c’est la vie. But Iran just wouldn’t take the bait. And the GOP really needed a message to go viral.
Then something-something-Tiger King, NOW…
The Senate acquitted Trump of impeachment on the grounds that he has never done anything wrong AND it was the Democrat’s fault he did it.
I was joking. I was being sarcastic. I never kid. (Pick any three.)
Trump threatened martial law. How much oppression do ya need until everyone is happy. And people started to notice they had to change their pants every day.
For the first time in history, TWO Gulf hurricanes made landfall simultaneously. The Trump-appointed Acting Acting Director of NOAA said, “I don’t know. Antifa or something?”
US intelligence agencies (spoiler alert) warned Israel about the COVID-19 virus coming from China late last year. Fortunately we have a CDC Liaison to China. Well… used to have. But we do have a Pandemic Panel to advise about things like this. Well…
Then Trump came down with a case of contagious Democratic Hoax.
100000 businesses permanently closed, a third of a million US dead (so far), a 15% higher mortality rate, 8 million went into poverty, 20 million infected, 20 million people out of work, 6 trillion dollars further into debt. The ‘anti-death panel’ White House deems it a great victory. Or Putin, one of the two. Finally, this is all it took to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain. That and getting to spend 10 hours in line voting with a few million of your closest friends. We are still waiting to see if the state of Georgia (not the country, this time) will elect a Republican senator. Or Congress can get something done. Are you sick of winning yet? Or is it from something else?
And apparently I drank the blood of several unborn Christian fetuses. Sez so on Facebook. So…
Hindsight is 2020. God, I hope.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Bravo! I no longer say it can’t get any worse.