The last Coffee Chat (and Change the World) of 2020 has “Christmas All Year Long” for a theme. The idea comes from the song by Composer H.C. Weinberg.
Christmas All Year Long seems like such a wonderful idea but many people have asked, “Do we mean all that goes with Christmas, or just the kindness toward each other that we feel at Christmas time?”
Maybe it’s the very fact that Christmas only comes once a year that makes it so special. If Christmas stayed all year long wouldn’t the December 25 be just another day? What do you think?

This is an effort to provide distraction and a perfectly frivolous question to ease the blues that come after Christmas in the best of years, which this has certainly not been.
Among the guests at this virtual coffee will be Chef Anessa McClendon, returning with two ideas for the New Year, one for food and one for peace of mind, she says.

To Register for Coffee Chat (and Change the World) December 28 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time sign in at and you’ll receive the link for the event.
Be sure to let us know your thoughts about Christmas all year. Let us know too what guests or resources you’d like us to find for future virtual events.