“We are a community focused coffee shop, nestled on the Highlands Golf Course. Our vision is to have a local gathering spot for all of Tacoma to come and enjoy each other’s company in a warm cozy room, fireplace included.” – McDuff’s intro for their comfortable gathering place.

It was pouring down when I arrived at McDuff’s Café to meet my friend Donn for coffee. I walked through the golf shop and into the Café. As I sat down, Kimberly set my cup on the dark wood tabletop. Donn had already ordered and paid. I never saw menu nor the prices, but added a buck to the tip.
The tables were spread out to accommodate social distancing. Two large screen TVs balanced out the view to the course. The room was warm and comfortable. I can imagine how nice it would be to sit and chat on the patio with a slight breeze cooling me off after nine holes of golf. Although I haven’t played a round in a couple of years now, I have played Highlands numerous times and always found it a fun course.

Donn and I chatted for well over an hour. Kimberly brought over a second round of coffee. When I had first asked about cream, she directed me to where the coffee creamer containers were. As I walked in that direction she added, “Or I have half-and-half right here.” I stopped in my tracks and allowed her to top off my cuppa with half-and-half.

The rain never let up. We finished up our coffees and walked out into the rain and stopped to watch a couple start the second round of nine holes. The golf balls didn’t roll very far in the wet grass, but I’ve seen worse . . . played worse . . . and so I just smiled. I was still warm and dry and in a great mood. So was Don. We both will return for another round of coffee at McDuff’s.

McDuff’s Café at Highlands in Tacoma’s North/Westend – highlandsgolf.net/why-highlands-2/