No, microblading is not ice skating for toddlers. Microblading is the eyebrow treatment that beautifies eyes and saves time every morning. Personally, I came up short in the eyebrow department, but it’s too late for me to worry about making myself beautiful.
“Microblading is typically used on eyebrows to create, enhance or reshape their appearance in terms of both shape and color. It deposits pigment into the upper region of the dermis, so it fades more rapidly than traditional tattooing techniques, which deposit pigment deeper.” – Wikipedia

There’s an art term that best explains microblading: trompe l’œil. Trompe l’œil is French and the technique is used for murals and other walls where you might want to fool the eye of the beholder into believing that a painted statue or garden scene is actually real. Microblading provides artfully drawn real looking eyebrows that last between three and five years! The length depends on the color of the skin, the color of the hair, the pigment match of the hair, and the creams and cleansers that you like to use.

Microblading is simply drawing the shape and color of an eyebrow. Each stroke is a tiny slice. For me it would fill in the blank where my actual eyebrow hairs stopped growing.
Caitlin of Everlasting Beauty Lounge says, “Microblading is kind of like tattooing, but using pigment instead of ink, giving the eyebrows a sharper look like individual hairs. The application is more like drawing than it is injecting. The Trompe l’oeil is a technique used in art that produces normal, realistic, beautiful eyebrows that look authentic.”

Microblading usually takes two sessions. The first one runs from two to three hours, but that is mostly preparation and defining the color and look. The actual procedure only takes around sixty minutes. It’s mostly painless.
The final session is done about four to six weeks later and takes around an hour or two. This session is for touch up and making everything perfect.

Microblading has been around for about twenty-five years. Although new to me, I’m sure many women know all about it.
Everlasting Beauty Lounge of Renton is offering a special price: Microblading is $250 plus $100 for a touch up 4/6 weeks later. This is a promotional price and will only be good for two months. They do emergency tattoo and normal tattoo removal, also. The price varies by size. Everlasting Beauty Lounge – 3805 NE 4th St, Renton, WA 98056. Phone: 253-259-8160 – Instagram @everlastingbeauty.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.