Recently as I looked into the sky,
I said to myself, oh my, oh my.
I could not see a cloud because of all the smoke.
And that is no joke.

As I saw the flames licking after Oregon brush,
I felt a kind of panicky rush.

Our air quality recently zoomed through the roof.
It seems fire can make breathable air disappear in a poof.
I know not when the rains will come.
And it rains all the time where I am from.
If only the winds would die down,
So firefighters can beat the flames into the ground.
Once all the fire and smoke are gone,
We can all take a trip to Oregon.
This is how our sky should look.
At least in my book.

Well, that is all I have to say,
Except, if you smoke, please use your ashtray.
Care to read Susanne Bacon’s Double Take? Click here.
Joe Boyle, author of the Suburban Times’ column “Westside Story”, and Susanne Bacon, novelist and author of the Suburban Times’ column “Across the Fence”, are sharing their thoughts about a variety of topics in their joint project of double features called “Double Take”. Comments are more than welcome, as they know that the world has more than their two angles – the more the merrier.