Currently we are living with Covid—19 government and health authority face mask recommendations and mandates.
Our government, who is here to help us, has refused to tell us about a serious and devastating downside risk to wearing face masks for fear of generating panic in the streets. This risk may cause irreparable harm to our economy, political structure, country, and the balance of our social well being.
If you are a Democrat on Joe Biden’s side, pretend I am talking about those nasty Republicans on Donald Trump’s side. If you are a Republican on Donald Trump’s side, pretend I am talking about those nasty Democrats on Joe Biden’s side. If you are an Independent on nobody’s side, pretend I am talking about all the politicians on any side.

As they say, (Who is they, I wonder? I am guessing it is those old guys who made up Chinese proverbs.), “One photo is worth 10,000 words”. My photo was taken at the City of Lakewood’s Best Western Motel down at the new city center. I am using a photo so I can keep this article down from 10,000 words to 635 words.
Do you see what is happening in the photo? The lovely couple, who otherwise would naturally be romantically inclined, is prevented from sharing a simple kiss because of their dutiful and steadfast compliance to our governor’s mandate that we all wear face masks.
The unintended consequences of our mask mandate includes, but is not limited to the following tragic outcomes.
a) No kissing.
b) Sales of marriage licenses will plummet.
c) Catering companies, churches, tux rental shops, bridal gown shops, limo drivers, honeymoon suites, will see their profits dry up like a camel’s water trough in the high desert.
Everything is connected. With all of the above problems darkening our door, our birth rate will drop way below China’s old rule dictating their one couple one child birth rate. This means child care facilities will go bankrupt and schools will become ghost town-like being converted into storage warehouses.
Well, I think you have the idea. While all the mandatory mask wearing spells doom for our future, keep wearing your mask. We must cooperate to beat Covid—19.
As a courtesy to you, I am wearing my mask right now as I type this Westside Story on my laptop. While your and my social distance is greater than 6’, I am wearing a mask so as to be extra careful to not give you a computer virus.
I never like to bring my readers problematic news without providing a positive solution.
Here is what we can look forward to. Once we are all vaccinated and Covid—19 is a thing of the past, everyone can take off the masks.
With Covid—19 under control, my solution is this. Whoever takes over the White House in our next election can promulgate an order mandating the all employers arrange their worker’s schedules to fit the ever popular 4/40. Each employee will work four ten hour days. They will get a total of three days off in a row. Four on and three off. The bonus day off will be known as Democratic Date Day or Republican Date Day, or Independent Date Day, based on who wins the next election.
Love will blossom. Wedding bells will ring profusely. Newlyweds, unless they have a connection to an influential senator, will have to suffer the time loss of being on a long waiting list for a honeymoon suit. Champagne will flow. Our economy will soar like you have never seen before. Unemployment will drop to unheard of lows. Even I will have to take a job.
Ahh yes. Life after Covid—19 is something to live for.
“… a honeymoon suit?” Who gets gussied up in a suit for their honeymoon? Well, maybe a bathing suit. One sweet little silent “e” is feeling left out, Joe!
Mary Hammond,
Got me again. Thanks. I will try to be more careful next time.