How would you like to take part in an Affordable Buying Spree?
All you have to do is visit St Vinnies either in Tacoma or Puyallup and buy what you think your neighbors might need. Amidst the pandemic, we never really know the financial circumstances or our neighbors, so why not be generous? Look over St Vinnies selections of hand tools, mowers, trimmers, edgers, cooking pots, computer gear. Buy what you can afford, take them home and place them on your front lawn with a “FREE” sign. Encourage people to take and use as long as they need and then donate back to St Vinnies along with any monetary amount they can make . . . or not. Think of this as a neighborhood improvement movement!

Monies paid to St Vinnies help pay for employment for people as well as efforts to help with rent and utilities of our neighbors. Executive Director Tracy Peacock says, “We are one of the agents involved in the Pierce county CARES grant meaning we are helping folks with rent in addition to what we already provide through our helpline; gas cards, utilities, food, clothing, household goods.”
AUGUST 4 – Donation in-take to re-open at 10am
Donations for clothing and misc., items will be open Tues, Aug 4 until we reach capacity. We typically reach capacity by the end of the day.
We will then only be accepting large items, such as working appliances, furniture, clean mattresses and yard items. Thank you so much for your continued support and patience during these times. We couldn’t do it without you! The Tacoma and Summit Thrift Stores remain open for shopping. Tacoma Hours; Tues-Sun, 10am – 5pm. Summit Hours; Tues – Sat, 10am-5pm.
Visit St Vinnies for more information about helping our community:
Thanks for your inspirational article on Saint Vincent de Paul (St Vinnies).
My mother grew up as a poor child. One year they were not going to have any Christmas dinner or child toys as presents. How bleak it was until Saint Vincents de Paul found out and brought the family a wonderful Chrismas.
She never forgot their kindness. In the end, when she died, I arranged for Saint Vincent de Paul to come to her home where we donated a truckload of her possessions that were left from her estate sale.
Payback felt good then and it feels good now.
Connecting with Saint Vincent de Paul / St Vinnies helps us help others. Yea!
Joseph Boyle
Thank you for your kind words . . . and just so you know Peg and I voted for your sheriff candidate!!!!!