Cyndie Fajardo (pronounced faa har doe) is running for Pierce County Sheriff. There are many reasons to vote for Lieutenant Fajardo.
Reason #1 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is because of Lieutenant Fajardo’s and her family’s long involvement with LAW ENFORCEMENT and PUBLIC SERVICE, dating back to 1886.
Reason #2 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff relates to her LEADERSHIP profile.
Reason #3 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is her EXPERIENCE.
Reason #4 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is her time served as a PATROL OFFICER.
Reason #5 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is her time served as a PATROL SERGEANT.
Reason #6 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is her time served as a PATROL LIEUTENANT.
Reason #7 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is Cyndie Fajardo’s tenure as PRESIDENT OF THE PIERCE COUNTY DEPUTY SHERIFF’S INDEPENDENT GUILD for the years 2006 – 2015.

As Guild President Cyndie Fajardo was involved with a long list of activities and responsibilities that required excellent human relation skills, negotiation expertise, and leadership ability.
A partial list of President Fajardo’s involvements while she lead the Guild included, but was not limited to the following:
- President Fajardo helped developed a business plan for the Guild, which resulted in an investment account to pay a retiree stipend.
- President Fajardo helped separate Contract Negotiations from Business Agent Duties which produced favorable results in wages and benefits.
- President Fajardo helped Organized Labor Management to better track issues brought before the Union body.
- President Fajardo participated in disciplinary actions, including Arbitrations and Public Employee Relations Commissions Hearings (PERC).
- President Fajardo testified on numerous issues during the legislative sessions in Olympia. Cyndie Fajardo is unquestionably a dedicated individual. She was one of only two union representatives that testified in the legislature to improve benefits for the spouses of police officers who died in the line of duty protecting us as citizens.
- President Fajardo was a key player in the bond program to improve radio communications.
- President Fajardo served as the labor representative in over 20 Officer-Involved Shootings.
Cyndie Fajardo’s long tenure as Guild President indicates she had the demeanor and skills to work, communicate, and negotiate with the department’s employees who serve in the positions of deputy through lieutenant. President Fajardo possessed the flexibility to collaborate, communicate, and successfully negotiate with the department’s upper administration. She spent years bringing both sides together for the mutual benefit of all.
Cyndie Fajardo’s website:
Lieutenant Fajardo understands how to successfully work for positive labor relations. She knows the issues from bottom to top and from top to bottom.
Cyndie Fajardo served ten years as Sheriff’s Guild President. Joseph Boyle endorses Cyndie Fajardo for Pierce County Sheriff because of her wide spectrum of experience, leadership, management, service and community impact.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Joe, I wish you would tell us what you REALLY think about Fajardo for Sheriff!
You are a one-person, unpaid (I assume) campaign staff. Cyndie certainly now has name recognition with those who regularly read the Suburban Times. I for one will be happy when you run out of reasons to vote for her and go back to entertaining us with the sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, sometimes whimsical essays and op-eds you used to write.
Personally, I don’t like seeing the ST being used as a sounding board for any political candidate. Anyone else agree?
Thanks for expressing your view. You are not alone and I do understand your thinking.
My problem is having spent 25 years in and around the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department, I clearly understand how devastating it can be if voters select the wrong person to become the next Sheriff of Pierce County.
I feel morally and ethically obligated to write my Fajardo for Sheriff’s articles. And after all, each reason to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is simply my sharing a fact.
Whatever happens, happens when the last vote is cast, but at least I will have done my best to give the voters the benefit of my view, knowledge, and experience.
On possibly the good news side for you and others, I have a small backlog of fun Westside Stories coming up that have nothing to do with politics which should fit nicely in between my Fajardo For Sheriff article.
Joseph Boyle
One more thing. Your assumption is correct. No one has asked me to write anything related to Fajardo For Sheriff and I am not receiving any payment or benefit from doing so.
I am simply trying to not allow the people of Pierce County and the staff at the Pierce County Sheriff’s department become victims of the erroneous name familiarity voting phenomenon.
That, and only that, is the reason I am writing my list of reasons to vote Fajardo For Sheriff articles. Hopefully, if people view the facts with an open mind they will easily be able to see that voting Fajardo For Sheriff is the smart thing to do.
Joseph Boyle