Cyndie Fajardo (pronounced faa har doe) is running for Pierce County Sheriff. There are many reasons to vote for Lieutenant Fajardo.
Reason #1 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is because of Lieutenant Fajardo’s and her family’s long involvement with LAW ENFORCEMENT and PUBLIC SERVICE, dating back to 1886.
Reason #2 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff relates to her LEADERSHIP profile.
Reason #3 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is her EXPERIENCE.
Reason #4 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is her time served as a PATROL OFFICER.
Reason #5 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is her time served as a PATROL SERGEANT.
If you read my Reason #4 Fajardo for Sheriff, you may remember my abundance of enthusiasm for the fact that Cyndie Fajardo, unlike any of the other candidates, has eight solid years of experience as a patrol officer. I am not talking about just being assigned to patrol with some side job, I am talking about rock solid patrol experience.
Eight years helps make Cyndie Fajardo our best candidate for Sheriff. She is well-grounded in what forms the backbone of any police agency, patrol.

Wait! There is more. Candidate Cyndie Fajardo was promoted after her eight years in patrol to Sergeant. Her first assignment was… That is right, patrol sergeant. She served in that capacity from 2003 to 2006 before moving on to other supervisory responsibilities.
She supervised 12 – 24 officers as the officers patrolled Pierce County.
As supervisor, she developed the unit’s training schedule.
She oversaw crime scenes and major incidents.
Her experience really adds up. Eight years of service as a patrol officer plus three years as a patrol sergeant equals eleven years (8 + 3 = 11) in patrol.
With Cyndie Fajardo as Sheriff, we will have an elected official who is well experienced and equipped to manage, modify, and make changes to improve patrol. Patrol is a crucial function of the Sheriff’s Department, as expressed in the department motto, Protect & Serve.
Cyndie Fajardo’s website:
Eight years of service as a patrol deputy, plus three years service as a patrol sergeant for a total of 11 years in patrol, is just another reason why Joseph Boyle endorses Cyndie Fajardo for Pierce County Sheriff.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Give it a rest, Joe.
I would love to accommodate your request to “Give it a rest.”, but here is my problem.
Some voters have not discovered that Lieutenant Cyndie Fajardo is the best candidate for our next Pierce County Sheriff.
I guarantee some voters will vote for Ed Troyer, who, while a good guy, approaches the Sheriff’s office with only one qualification, HIGH PROFILE NAME FAMILIARITY.
Some voters will vote for Doug Richardson, who has clearly demonstrated excellent management and leadership skill but has no law enforcement experience.
If a candidate becomes Sheriff with no law enforcement experience, the candidate violates the old concept, “You have to crawl before you can walk.”
Voters wishing to make an intelligent choice for Sheriff, stand to benefit from studying my list of reasons why Cyndie Fajardo is our most highly qualified candidate.
I will try to give you and other readers a break by trying to publish alternative topics between my Reasons to Vote Fajardo For Sheriff articles.
Thanks for sharing your input, Willow.
Joseph Boyle