Cyndie Fajardo (pronounced faa har doe) is running for Pierce County Sheriff. There are many reasons to vote for Lieutenant Fajardo.
Reason #1 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff is because of Lieutenant Fajardo’s and her family’s long involvement with LAW ENFORCEMENT and PUBLIC SERVICE, dating back to 1886.
Reason #2 to vote Fajardo for Sheriff relates to her LEADERSHIP profile.
Lieutenant Fajardo is a natural and accomplished leader. She uses her cerebral power effectively and is never fearful of standing up to speak what is on her mind.
Lieutenant Fajardo challenges those around her to do their very best. Cyndie Fajardo makes our world a better place. Cyndie Fajardo makes our world a safer place.
The list of Lieutenant Fajardo’s leadership accomplishments is exceedingly long, too long for one Westside Story column.
Today, I shall concentrate on two of her early leadership accomplishments with a promise to write future columns with additional examples of Lieutenant Fajardo’s leadership achievements. By sharing this information, it is my hope I can help my readers get to know Cyndie Fajardo better as a person and as a candidate for Pierce County Sheriff.
Historically, law enforcement has been a career path mainly for men only. Thirty-six years ago, in 1984, Cyndie Fajardo was on the front line leading the way by overcoming barriers and prejudices that had previously prevented women from pursuing law enforcement careers.
In 1985 Cyndie Fajardo made history in two ways. She and two other women joined 20 men to attend a police academy in Colorado. Secondly, she made history by being a part of the inaugural police academy for the Arapahoe County Sheriff’s Department.

Cyndie Fajardo was elected president of her academy class based on her academic performance, human relations ability, and distinct leadership skills. Becoming the class president was an early sign that she would enjoy an accomplished and distinguished career.
Having become class president and her successful fight for equal career opportunity for women are just two examples from Cyndie Fajardo’s long list of leadership feats.
When it comes to Cyndie Fajardo’s leadership accomplishments, I have only scratched the surface. I promise to share more in future columns.

An excellent Sheriff must be an outstanding leader. That is why Joseph Boyle endorses Cyndie Fajardo for Pierce County Sheriff.
Cyndie Fajardo’s website:
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
We need a sheriff, someone who will have the department’s back and not play politics when the wind shifts.