St Vinnies opened up their Tacoma Thrift Store on the 16th and their Puyallup Thrift Store on the 17th of June. Funds raised by the sale of donated goods are used to pay wages of employees and help people throughout the county with emergencies to meet the obligations of utilities, rent, house payments, and more. Supporters also donate money as well via the St Vinnies website –

People from Lakewood to Purdy have been stockpiling items to donate. As soon as St Vinnies Executive Directory Tracy Peacock let me know about the opening in Tacoma I posted information on numerous Facebook pages. Comments showed that people were waiting to drive over with carloads of clothes, household appliances, and more.

After Peg and I parked our car we visited the hand washing station outside the store. Inside there was plenty of room for social distancing as people lined up ready to pay for selections they had made.

Peg immediately found a daring strapless black dress. She liked the material. I had no idea we would be going to the prom, but I am flexible.

After looking over the clothes and books, Peg next found a beautiful, antique hall tree. I eased away from the hall tree. Peg and I have our differences in what we like to shop for.

I made quite a haul electronically. I found a yellow PC keyboard for just $2.99. A week ago I had the exact same keyboard shipped from Walmart for $26.99. I have other computers, so this will get used. In addition I found an ergonomic keyboard, for the same price . . . again saving at least $25.00. In the shopping cart I noted a metal bowl that Peg wanted. I thought to myself, if I wore that on my head with some wire and aluminum foil, I could tune into some strange sound waves.

Before leaving I checked out the toy section. I found a model car (’37 Chevy coupe) and had to control my hands to keep it out of that shopping cart. The same thing happened when I saw the Gig Six String Guitar that can be used with X-Box. I thought, “Maybe I could play that at the prom.”

As I brought out the booty to our car I saw a man carrying an orange hedge-trimmer to his car. I stopped in my tracks. I hadn’t visited the yard tools area. I felt a familiar hand on the collar of my coat and realized that perhaps I could wait a few days and return to St Vinnies by myself. You never know what you’ll find at St Vinnies . . . and never know what you’ll need. Plus, it’s all for a good cause.