Meet Daniel D. Howell who says, “First and foremost . . . I’m a songwriter. I’ve written many songs from country, and pop, to hip-hop.” I’m pretty sure the hip-hop was when he was quite a bit younger. But people who like music generally appreciate many different kinds. Daniel says, “I’m inspired by all different genres of music . . . however, I tend to write mostly country, pop or rock. I’m a sucker for a good ballad too!” I like song writers. I’ve known several from rock to opera. My friend Art Mineo would write a piece of music. He would play it on his grand piano and it sounded Italian. I would play it on my baby grand and it sounded country. It’s all in the wrists.

In the early 1990s I read a article about Frank Loesser, one of the greatest American song writers. The article interested me in recordings of song writers themselves. I bought several CDs of recordings by Loesser. I enjoyed hearing him sing the songs that I had heard many others record. Since then I have really enjoyed listening to other songwriters who perform their own songs. A lot of these are country entertainers: John Prine, Nancy Griffith, Iris Dement, and of course legends like Jimmy Rogers and Hank Williams.

Daniel is in the demo side of musical life, much like Frank Loesser was when he began. Daniel records his demos to find others who can do his songs justice. He says, “Please excuse my cheesy music and mediocre vocals. I’m looking for people who actually have talent to sing my songs. I’m always looking for people to collaborate with, too.” I’ve listened to a number of Daniel’s songs. I really like “You Still Turn My Head,” “Speechless,” and my favorite, “The Way I Used to Be.” I think these are mostly Daniel’s early songs and they just scream and ooze, country.
Audio versions –
Daniel got an early start with music and family issues. He confesses, “My parents divorced when I was very young. My Mom never supported my music, because my Dad was an aspiring songwriter/dreamer. She saw the same glimmer in my eye, so she never encouraged it. The only thing she ever asked was why didn’t I make a song about Seattle.”

Daniel and his brother Jeff grew up in the Pacific Northwest. He says, “I’ve lived in the Seattle area my whole life. I’ve been a Seahawks season ticket holder for over 20 years with my brother.” Daniel’s brother Jeff moved to Texas with his wife and family a few years back. Jeff misses the Seahawks, Seattle itself, and the Pacific Northwest. Although Daniel doesn’t actually live in Seattle, he decided to write the song his mom always wanted, “Get Back Home” from his brother’s perspective as a love song about Seattle and the Puget Sound area. Daniel says, “I know he sometimes misses home.” I’ve shared the song with several friends. The song connects with everyone who hears it. Daniel’s mom? She passed away last year and never got to hear it. Western Washington is definitely God’s Country so maybe she has heard it. We can only hope. Enjoy “Get Back Home” by Daniel Howell as he sings about Seattle, Puget Sound, our mountains, and all our beautiful surroundings.
Long-time Northwest Disc Jockey legend Jaynie Dillon who lives in Pierce County, but has a Sunday morning country DJ show in Texas has watched Daniel’s “Get Back Home” Western Washington Youtube video and will use her Facebook page to share the song. She also has some suggestions and connections for Daniel.
“Get Back Home” is a make-yourself-proud kind of song. It’s an ideal tune to share with friends, especially if they are not from the Pacific Northwest . . . and you want to make them jealous.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
I would very much like to thank Don and the Suburban Times for posting this article. It’s nice for a homegrown boy to get noticed in his hometown. I know Seattle isn’t perfect, but it will always be home for me. Now… if someone could stop the rain, that would be cool. ha!
Thanks again and GO HAWKS! 😉
Daniel D. Howell
Thanks for the nice comments.
I hope your brother appreciates the song. It’s such a nice tune. I was glad to see that the newly created YouTube resulted in almost 1100 views over the last four or five days. I’ve seen numerous “likes” on Facebook across the Puget Sound area from Olympia to Bellingham.
Thanks for sharing.
Daniel Howell’s talent as a songwriter is tremendous! The YouTube video he produced for “Get Back Home” will make anyone long for Seattle. I’d love to play it on Boss Country Radio. I’ll send the link to Jamey Karr, the program director at and perhaps he’ll add it to our playlist. The video is stunning and the lyrics are awesome. Great writing, Daniel! And super nice of you, Don Doman, to profile Daniel’s talents in your column. You do a lot of good in the world.
It’s always nice helping other people, isn’t it? Jaynie, you are sooooo sweet. I’ll pass along your kind words to Daniel.
Thanks for sharing.
Thank you, Jaynie. I really appreciate your support and your kind words. And yes… Don has been great to me during this whole process. Cheers!
Love it, this is beautiful video and song!
It is. Daniel did a great job . . . he touched the hearts of many Pacific Northwesterners.
Thanks for sharing.