Okay, okay, I admit it. My headline is not accurate… at least not yet. By the time my title, Westside Story – Sheriff Fajardo, becomes the real thing, Pierce County citizens will have made a positive history-making choice. Voters will have elected a highly qualified individual who will also be our first female Pierce County Sheriff.
On May 18, 2020, I spotted an exciting news story in The Suburban Times titled, Sheriff Lieutenant Cyndie Fajardo Announces Campaign for Pierce County Sheriff. If you missed it, click my LINK. Check out the reader’s comments too.
My enthusiasm for Cyndie Fajardo’s announcement caused me to do four things.
#1. I captured Cyndie Fajardo’s photo. Take a close look so you can become more familiar with our best candidate for Pierce County Sheriff, Cyndie Fajardo.
#2. I wrote a comment which was attached to her announcement article. I wish to share with all my Westside Story readers my comment, in case you missed it.
JOE BOYLE’S READER COMMENT MILDLY EDITED FOR THIS ARTICLE: (Exact original comment is available via the LINK provided above.)
Joseph Boyle says
MAY 19, 2020 AT 7:38 AM
Pierce County, when we dial 911, we need our “Protect & Serve” system of law enforcement to work and work well.
My 25-year association with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department (PCSD), makes me a former insider. As an insider, it is only natural; I would have knowledge about the organization and the people in the organization. Ordinary voters would not know what I know.
I clearly recognize Sheriff Lieutenant Cyndie Fajardo’s announcement as good news for the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department and, more importantly, for Pierce County citizens.
Thank you, Chief Fajardo, for your willingness to serve as Sheriff of Pierce County. Yes, I know you currently hold the rank of Lieutenant, not Chief but, I still think of you as Chief from when you served as PCSD Contract Chief of Police for the Town of Steilacoom.
I also realize it is not such a giant leap to move from Chief to Sheriff. The jump is small because you have already had specific real-life experience serving as the leader of a law enforcement organization.
You have the Boyle’s vote, “Sheriff” Fajardo. While you are not yet elected, I thought I would practice saying, Sheriff Fajardo. I like the sound of it. Cyndie’s last name is pronounced (faa har doe). Get to know her.
Joseph Boyle – My last name is pronounced (Boil). I am boiling over with excitement now that Lieutenant Fajardo is running for Sheriff.
#3. I have given myself a challenge to see how many reasons to vote FajardoForSheriff I can write and publish in Westside Story.
I feel compelled and publicly obligated to share what I know with voters to help them make an informed choice.
Lieutenant Fajardo has had an incredible 36-year career in law enforcement. I already know the list of reasons to vote FajardoForSheriff will prove to be a long document. Readers, are you ready for the challenge? It should be fun and educational. Most importantly, each reason listed for FajardoForSheriff will help you become more familiar with Cyndie Fajardo so you can cast an informed and intelligent vote.
#4. Like most candidates, I assumed Lieutenant Fajardo might need financial support for her campaign. Campaigns can be expensive. Accordingly, I have made a financial contribution to the FajardoForSheriff campaign. If you conclude, I am correct about FajardoForSheriff being an excellent and best choice, please consider making a contribution to FajardoForSheriff.
Currently, in this brand new election race, there is one way to contribute to the FajardoForSheriff campaign.
Hopefully, despite the advent of email, you still have an old fashioned envelope and postage stamp laying around the house. These vintage items were popular during the time our telephones were hard-wired to a tiny box in a wall inside our home. Back in the days of stamps and envelopes, there were phone booths everywhere.
I sent Sheriff Fajardo a contribution using our old reliable USPS system. The photo of my envelope provides interested contributors with the appropriate address information.

For those who desire an electronic means to contribute, the information allowing you to do so will soon follow.
Cyndie Fajardo has 36 years of law enforcement experience, which is more experience than any of the other three candidates.
For any citizen of Pierce County, our law enforcement performance can become a matter of life or death. A deputy’s performance on the street can be highly influenced by the leader at the top of the department.
Although most small towns and cities have their own police departments, there are still individual divisions of the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department (PCSD) that serve us all. Examples are:
- The PCSD Civil Division that handles matters relating to legal documents.
- The PCSD Criminal Warrant Section takes dangerous criminals off our streets.
- PCSD manages our Pierce County Jail.
(1) My association with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department spans 25 years. In 1989 I served as a volunteer reserve deputy short of one year. In 1990 I became a full-time Pierce County Deputy Sheriff. After retiring in 2013, with 23 years service, I continued to serve as a volunteer reserve deputy for approximately one year. Following my retirement and the end of my volunteer service in 2014, I have had no official connection with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department.
(2) I have no official connection with the FajardoForSheriff campaign. I am just a voter, like you, but a highly knowledgeable voter with a strong desire to share with the voting public what I know based on my years with the Pierce County Sheriff’s Department.
Selecting the most qualified candidate for Sheriff is in the best interest of all Pierce County citizens. This is a serious matter. Think first. Vote second.
Joe Boyle endorses Cyndie Fajardo for the Sheriff of Pierce County.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.
Well done, well said, Joe. Thanks for being you. Thanks for being my friend. Fred Willis
It’s indeed rare that someone with truly inside knowledge shares it. After your recommendations I’ll vote for her even though I find it hard to visualize her strapping the old trusted six shooter around her hips, jumping into the saddle, and yelling “ let’s head ‘em off a the pass, boys ! “