On March 23, the “Lottery Post” broke down every state’s lottery response to Covid-19.
Here, according to Lottery Post, was Washington’s: “Business as usual, with no changes in operation or claiming of prizes.”
Washington’s official lottery website has a link for “Responsible play during Covid-19.”

You can still buy tickets for “both Washington-based and multi-state jackpot draw games” as, despite the virus, these games “remain on their standard schedules, and Scratch games also are available for purchase.”
Be assured that Washington’s Lottery (WL) has your best interests in mind given the WL has “issued guidance” to retailers of Lottery Vending Machines “asking them to increase their daily cleaning regimen.”
Also be sure however, the WL cautions, that you are only purchasing tickets at your favorite retail location because you are there, after all, “as part of (a) necessary shopping trip.”
You, know, like buying beer or something.
Or marijuana that happens to be sold nearby.
Liquor stores, if they sell food; and cannabis stores during the coronavirus, food or no food are, per the Governor’s List, essential.
Essentially, make sure it’s essential that you are patronizing an essential business for your essential purchase.
It’s essential, for example, that you play the lottery, even in times like this, maybe especially in times like this, because while the amount actually benefitting education the WL admits is small, nevertheless “lottery dollars are (an) important part of the total funding for education” per WL’s FAQ page.
Keep in mind that Coronavirus Stimulus Check you got coming.
Taxpayers with dependent children are said to receive a $500 payment for each child, regardless of income.
The children are depending on you.
Scratch those tickets.
In any case, do support your state gambling industry in these trying times because the money from the purchase of your lottery ticket supports education and now that an “upgrade” from Sex Ed to Comprehensive Sex Ed is the law of the land changing sex talk in public schools from voluntary to mandatory, these kiddos are dependent on you pursuing your vices to prevent them from pursuing theirs.
To salve any twinge of conscience during this coronavirus, when you purchase your lottery ticket, consider you are rendering an essential service.
Or, get your petition here to gather signatures opposing the Sex Ed mandate.