At the February meeting of the Transportation Club of Tacoma our representative from Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital updated our membership about Mary Bridge. The latest news was that Johnson Candy is a partner in their latest fund drive. When Peg and I were first married, we rented an apartment from the owner of Johnson’s and lived just down the street for over a year. Pay the rent, buy some candy, pay the rent, buy some candy . . . We no longer pay the rent, but we still enjoy their chocolates and other candies.

Peg had a doctor’s appointment directly across the street from Mary Bridge the day after the TCT meeting. My sweet tooth was calling to me. I dropped off Peg and drove the few blocks to Johnson Candy Company at 924 Martin Luther King Jr Way, Tacoma, WA 98405. –

Currently Johnson’s is decorated for Valentine’s Day. They have the best dark chocolate goodies you’ve ever tasted. When I returned to pick up Peg I had a gift for her: a dark chocolate covered apricot. The look and smell was enough for me . . . well on top of the dark chocolate covered pecans and the excellent licorice I wolfed down before giving Peg her taste of heaven.

Johnson’s has long been a community supporter. In 2017 they helped with a Rotary Club of Tacoma Valentine’s Day concert –
We had Jenny Shotwell perform, there was a nice dinner, and each participant received a box of Johnson’s chocolates. People loved them.
The news that Danielle Brunson (Community Development Associate – 253-403-7596) revealed at the Transportation Club meeting was that Johnson Candy of Tacoma will donate proceeds from two of their confections: Sea Salt Caramels (known as Courage Caramels), and Purple Ice Mints to Mary Bridge.

“Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital was established in 1955, through the perseverance of the dedicated women of the Tacoma Orthopedic Association (now the Mary Bridge Brigade). They were convinced of the need for a specialized health care center in Tacoma to serve the children of the South Puget Sound region.” –
The Transportation Club of Tacoma proudly supports Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital, Habitat for Humanity, and the Emergency Food Network. In addition their annual golf tournament supports local scholarship programs.
After Valentine’s Day I think I’ll revisit Johnson’s. The Sea Salt Caramels are already calling to me . . . and I am anxious to try the Purple Ice Mints as well.