My friend Jim picked me up about a quarter to twelve. I suggested we dine at El Sabor across the street from Tacoma Community College. I tried to visit their website, but it had been hacked and Google link took me to information about online casinos. I have run into hacks like this from my own clients, but not on my servers. Usually it’s a simple fix and usually involves changing passwords. Hackers high jack the site and take you to places where you can buy knock-off purses, or whatever might bring them money. It’s annoying, but not damaging.

El Sabor (translation is “the flavor”) in Tacoma is located at 1636 S Mildred St, Tacoma, WA 98465. They open up at 8:30. Breakfast tacos, anyone? The service is friendly and the food is tasty. Happy hour results in students and other visitors eating 97 cent tacos. Not a bad thing. They are a small regional chain.

I ordered a pork tamale. The tamale is served with a red sauce. At the salad bar I added a zingy slaw, a couple of lime wedges, and several spoons full of chopped radishes. I also added a little green sauce to the middle of my cornmeal delight. I had a pineapple drink to accompany my meal.

Jim ordered the polo ala crema. He ended up with a large plate of chicken, thick tortilla, and lots of salady additions. Jim has traveled the world. His palate decries his Norwegian/South Dakota heritage. As usual our lunch included old stories and family updates. It’s always relaxing as we laugh and share.

For dessert I had the sweet cornmeal tamale with squeezes of lime juice over it. It isn’t filled with anything. I gave a piece to Jim for him to sample. He was pleasantly surprised. Actually, I ordered dessert first and then added the pork tamale. Sweet tamales are not available everywhere, but I knew El Sabor served them.

Our lunch lasted over two hours. It was interesting to see a constant line of visitors forming. We left just after an afternoon class let out. Approximately a dozen hungry students walked in to order as we were ready to leave. Obviously they were returning patrons hungry for flavor and taste. Both Jim and I paid a little over ten dollars each, including tip, for our lunches. Not bad for 2020.