And Joseph too for that matter. And Mary, and the sheep, the cows, the donkeys, et al.
Shepherds too.
All gone.
Stole ‘em all.
An APB (all-points bulletin) has been issued to all police agencies and an Amber Alert (America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response) is now posted to electronic billboards on I-5 north and south of Goodwill in Lacey, Washington, Thurston County, where this missing persons’ – and animals’ – report first issued from the Goodwill Christmas display rack early in the evening of December 7.
With Christmas just over two weeks away, there is concern for those who should have by now – at least according to some in the crowd who’d gathered around the Manager Scene there in the Lacey Goodwill – settled in here so as to make preparations for a Silent Night.
But as yet, none have made an appearance nor has there been any indication of their whereabouts.
At this point there are no suspects nor description of any vehicle or even partial license plate.
It is suspicioned however that folks should be on the lookout for a larger truck or trucks, pulling a horse trailer or some such suitable conveyance for transporting sheep, cows, donkeys and the like.
Apprehension of the aforementioned individuals – and animals – however, should proceed without incident and all may be approached without caution as all are believed peaceful folks, animals too, and dressed somewhat peculiar, thus easily identified.
The lone angel atop the roof was questioned and while a cute little cherub he was unable to give much in the way of helpful information as to why he was here, alone, on top of the roof, or what he had seen – which was nothing so far.
He did say, the cherub did, that he knew – or at least thought he did – of what was to unfold in the manger below; and he thought sure there was an important part he was to play – and an instrument too, which he was carrying – but now the cherub seem confused as to whether he had arrived early, or was in fact late to announce great tidings.
Given no one was around.
And he had been here awhile.
Perched on the roof.
Which is why he had called for police assistance.
There was supposed to be, the cherub believed, a multitude of heavenly host but of course why he was alone on the roof he couldn’t explain other than, maybe, he had followed the wrong star or maybe this was the wrong stable.
The cherub said that this was the first time in his experience that divine plans had gone awry but he did know that oftentimes in broad daylight, during business hours, with shoppers coming and going down every aisle, toys gone bad in Goodwill was not uncommon but in fact had become more and more brazen.
This story will be updated as more information comes available but for now the APB and Amber Alert continues in effect.
Reporting from the Manger Scene in the Lacey Goodwill.
Cherub: ‘There is one more thing.’
Officer: ‘Yes?’
Cherub: ‘I remember what I was supposed to say if and when everyone shows up.’
Officer: ‘And that is?’
Cherub: ‘Peace on Earth, Goodwill to men. Get it? The Good Will part?’
Officer: ‘Got it.’