Time for Christmas Giving and all that sort of thing, but why not take a break this Friday morning (December 6) when Dorothy Wilhelm’s podcast Swimming Upstream will be recorded at the Lakewood Senior Activity Center. The fast moving show includes:

9:30 – Interview with creativity expert Marilyn Schoeman tells how to apply Green Light thinking to life in the New Year.
10:30 – Special guest star, John Munn, Managing Artistic Director of the Lakewood Playhouse joins the show as Santa Claus. Poor fellow. Life Coach Gloria Coppola will give Santa a few ideas for a possible career change.
11:00 – The Lakewood Senior Radio Players will give a new twist to old fashioned radio with a new original Christmas special radio show. The Senior Players are sponsored by the Lakewood Playhouse, and directed by William McClelland.
11:30 – Generation Gap. Ray Miller Still, Editor of the Courier-Herald joins Dorothy and Santa (John Munn again) as the jolly old elf tells what he really thinks about kids today.
After the show, there will be really, really light refreshments and time to socialize. Great way to get ready for Christmas. And of course, if you don’t have time to join us, you’ll be able to hear all of these shows on the internet starting Sunday, December 8 at Itsnevertoolate.com or sobradionetwork.com.
If you don’t have time to stay for the whole show, just drop in when you can. Contact Dorothy Wilhelm at Dorothy@itsnevertoolate.com or 253-582-4565.