Lita Kuaea and Rumina Suafoa come from a large, boisterous Samoan family (seven daughters, two sons). They have more than 100 names on their immediate family’s Christmas list and they believe that Food, Family, and Faith (they say it capitalized like that) are the most important things in the world. The sisters who call themselves The Seven Daughters (see above) will be demonstrating their cooking skills, (and providing samples) as they prepare Samoan Sapa Sui for The Fourth Annual Tai Chi Day at the Washington State Fair on September 20.

These charismatic women are very, very popular at church breakfasts, suppers, and other gatherings. They dream of one day expanding to their own catering company, which they would call, of course, Seven Daughters, honoring the women in their families. The Seven Daughters joined the Breakfast Club at St. John Bosco Catholic Church in Lakewood, in 2017. When it’s their turn to serve breakfast, they honor their Dad, Kose Suafoa, who was the first Samoan to achieve the rank of Sgt. Major in the US Army, We make a mess of SOS served on a fresh baked biscuit, spam and eggs, tropical fruit and rice,” daughter Lita Kauea says. She describes the division of duties this way. “I do the majority of the cooking and shopping. My sons are the BBQers. Becky is our baker and florist. Rumina is my sous chef and takes care of logistics. Sila’s specialty is lumpia and decorations. Our daughters step in whenever we need extra hands to serve and set up. Clean up includes all members of our families…husbands and our grown children. They get a free meal, and it always turns into a family affair.” It’s rare for the wider public to have a chance to see these warm, dynamic cooks in action so that adds a special benefit to Tai Chi Day at the Fare.

Tai Chi Day is designed by the Empty Step Tai Chi Association to introduce a sampler of what Tai Chi provides, while offering easy, no stress recipes.
The Fourth Annual Tai Chi Day at the Fair will take place from 10:30 to 12:30 on Friday September 20, in the Pavillion/Home Arts Building.
Additional demonstrations will include the return of the popular “The Bachelor Cooks” demonstration. This year bachelor Jim Gutterman presents Instant Pot Ribs. Also, in the interests of fairness, a husband who cooks – Larry Francis – will demonstrate Vegetarian Chili. Sachi’s No-Flour Peanut Butter cookies round out the food demonstrations. Generous samples and recipe sheets will be available.

Many medical professionals now recommend Tai Chi for better health and amore active life. Empty Step has several active members in in their 70’s, 80’s, and sometimes even 90’s. So this is a good chance to investigate and even take part in Tai Chi. There will be demonstrations of the most popular forms of Tai Chi practiced in our area – including the Yang Family Form, Qi Gong, and Sword Form. (It’s just a wooden sword.). Sunny music will be provided by Cara Francis and John Reed. Dorothy Wilhelm will emcee.
Information or 253-582-4565