We arrived just after opening with the glaring August Sunday morning sun blinding me. Once inside McMenamins I was blinded by the opulence. Almost everywhere you look in each room, were interesting fixtures, furniture, paintings, and object d’art. This renovated icon of downtown Tacoma took years to complete, but it was certainly worth the wait. McMenamins is well known for its updating older buildings into fantastic destinations. If the city of Lakewood builds a new library, perhaps McMenamins could convert the Tenzler Library into the McMenamins Lakewood Pub and Towne Inn.
My friend ordered eggs Benedict, but since the potatoes were cold, the whole plate was taken back. I didn’t hear if he ordered crispy potatoes, but they were, which he enjoyed when they were returned. With the second delivery they also had nice looking fried onions. He enjoyed the eggs, except they were several minutes past perfect from the delay.
My wife, Peg tried the scrambled eggs with mushrooms, spinach and goat cheese. It was excellent. The fruit was a little dry, but good. The raspberry jam was exceptional. She would love to have this again.
I went for a half-order of biscuits and sausage gravy. The gravy was very tasty, but tepid. I didn’t want to wait, so I ate the luke-warm gravy. I love bacon, but wasn’t thrilled with the pieces of bacon on top of the gravy. Why ruin sausage gravy with a competing flavor? However, I did eat it all. I would have preferred a biscuit cut in half (upper and lower) and then smothered in gravy. The un-gravyed half was slightly dry. I would have liked it with butter and jam. Although portions were generous, I felt that McMenamins was slightly stingy with butter.
I was thrilled with my side order of cheesy-jalapeño grits. I asked for butter and was brought a small metal bowl with one scoop. I thought there should have been at least one to go with my biscuit as well. The pieces of toast looked a little dry, but I think the succulent jam made up for it. Next time around, I’ll ask for grits again, along with an order of hash browns, “burnt, burnt, burnt” with an onion cut up in them . . . and a cup of sausage gravy (not on the menu).
We sat at a table just inside from a tiny balcony facing Commencement Bay. The balcony is just large enough for a small table and two chairs. With the bright sun, my friend and I sat with our backs to the very, very nice view, so our wives could enjoy the view of us . . . and the waterfront.
As we left and stepped out the door to Broadway, I was stunned to see tables and chairs set up for a sidewalk café. This would have been a perfect morning to sit and drink coffee for hours. We were very pleased with McMenamins Elks Temple for breakfast. We’ll have to book a return visit for breakfast . . . then lunch . . . and then dinner. – mcmenamins.com/elks-temple/restaurant-bars/eat-drink
Don, at first read it doesn’t sound like you were very happy with your meal. Dry semi cold… Then at the end you said you were going back and you basically liked it. Can you tell me other than the wonderful decor, which sounds fabulous, is it really worth going there? I really don’t like having food challenges. When I order I like it to be right the first time. I’m sure it’s not inexpensive.
Thanks for your comments and question. We don’t like to give reviews by stars or single word qualifiers. It’s rare that a single meal would get top rating for all aspects of service. I have not enquired, but I’m guessing that the meals are cooked in a kitchen possibly on another floor, something like that quite often results in food served not at its best temperature. My friend’s potatoes looked fantastic . . . and the second time around they were . . . even with onions added. I hate sending food back, which results in a delay . . . and disrupts the meal and atmosphere. But, sending food back leaves a message . . . and reviews that explain the problem get back to ownership as well. I have not posted our review to McMenamins, but will shortly. The prices were not that bad at all. My wife wasn’t happy with the price, but we have certainly paid more at The Harvester, which is just up the street and does not offer the charm and menu that McMenamins does. We will return in a few weeks or so and review again. Please, let know if you dine there in the near future and give me your opinion about food, service, and price.
Thanks, again for sharing.
We dined there for breakfast and had a fantastic breakfast of eggs benedict for each of we two. Our fresh fruit on the side was ripe and excellent as well. Definitely felt we had our monies worth. Would have been fun to eat outside. We however were there on a misty day. Still had a good view out the window.
Do enjoy your columns.
Thanks for commenting. I did enjoy the breakfast and will return of breakfast again and dinner sometime. I’ve visited their operations in both Olympia and Centralia and now Tacoma. I want them to succeed, indeed. Next time, try those grits, however. They were absolutely excellent.
I appreciate the kinds words . . . keep reading and sharing.