No Trains Through Tillicum is the featured presentation by Washington State Senator Steve O’Ban at the Tillicum Woodbrook Neighborhood Association (TWNA) meeting August 1, 6:30 P.M., Tillicum Community Center, 14916 Washington Ave. SW.
You may have seen that sign along I-5, the one about trucks leaving the highway.
Trains likewise should continue to be rerouted elsewhere than through Tillicum and the rest of Lakewood until “all recommended safety changes have been implemented.”
As O’Ban warns in this newsletter, “To proceed otherwise is irresponsible and puts the public at unnecessary risk.”
Also in the newsletter for August you’ll read of significant needs of our community center and how you can help; there’s a presentation to make (it’s a secret – but you can help) to one of our own who graduated recently becoming a Washington State Patrol Trooper; all kinds of goings-on at the Tillicum library; and Tillicum welcomes a new little baby boy July 5 delivered by our own Engine 23.