No, Private Areas is not a lowly recruit in the Beetle Bailey comic strip. It’s an important information tool for targeted audiences.

A website with a private area generally offers more insight and data to either employees or members than is available to the public. A website with a private area is not always apparent. There might be a simple link in the navigation saying “Members Only” or an email link could be sent directly to those who might be interested or authorized. A private area members only website section is generally password protected.
The benefits of a private area website are many. By sharing directly you can improve interaction with the public as well as job satisfaction and community well-being.
- Customer Service Comments
- Upcoming Training Classes – Sample Info
- Employee of the Month
- Gallery – Photos of projects as they progress
- Employee Training Articles
- Awards – Recognition in the community as well as management
- Calendar
- Suggestion Box
- Health Coverage – Changes, enrollment, fees
- Community Partners
- Sponsorships
- Gallery – Projects, parties, and other happenings
- Sunshine Page – Personal accomplishments, birthdays, new children, grandchildren, and significant others, illness, deaths, etc.
- Approved By-laws and suggested By-law changes
- Reports – Project updates, meeting minutes
- Officer – Current roster and responsibilities
- Budget – Treasurer report
- Sponsors & Donors
- Awards – Nomination forms and list of past honorees – Timeline of annual awards
- Training Courses – Tips and dates
- Exclusive Content – Goals and accomplishments
- Special Events – Dates due to national and events
- Member information – Business and home contacts
“Whether it’s a high profile company, an established conglomerate or a local club, everybody has a hard time keeping their best and brightest to stay. We often have those amazing members who volunteer a majority of their time towards club activities and have invested a lot of their time and energy towards the success of the club. These members join various committees, become executives and handle anything from menial to the most complex tasks. As a result, they become important to the club and to the rest of the club members. Sometimes, a simple acknowledgment isn’t enough and it becomes difficult to retain members.” –
Private areas allow input and a sharing of information. They aren’t a panacea, but rather a communication tool to reach out and welcome comment and discussion. They can’t work miracles to keep employees and members, but they can offer an oftentimes missing openness and friendliness. Employees and members want to know they are valuable to the organization and its members.