In my younger days, the only way I could lose weight was with the Dr. Atkins Diet. I would eat whatever meats I wanted. Eventually, I would answer the call of French fries from PICK-QUICK Drive In in Fife, a pizza from Cloverleaf on Sixth Avenue, or nachos from El Toro in Ponders Corner. As I got older I began to worry about gout attacks and have centered on more sensible rules for eating.
“The aim of the Atkins diet is to lose weight by avoiding carbohydrates and controlling insulin levels. Dieters can eat as much fat and protein as they want.” – Christian Nordqvist
The Atkins Diet came along in the early 1970s. It’s still around, but has become the Ketogenic Diet of today. “But a true ketogenic diet is different. Unlike other low-carb diets, which focus on protein, a keto plan centers on fat, which supplies as much as 90% of daily calories. And it’s not the type of diet to try as an experiment.” – –

I found some words to live by by sorting out the true story. Dana Luchini, ME, CNT and Dr. Elissa Mullen, ND have been working on wellness programs for years. Dana says, “We (Dr. Mullen and I) developed a customized 850-1250 calorie ketogenic diet over 12 years ago for weight loss. So NOT the ketogenic diet that is popular right now which is extremely high in fats including the bad saturated fats like bacon and butter.” Dana believes in a Healthy Aging Diet; her Wellness & Weight Loss Clinic is on South Union in Tacoma. –
I love bacon, my sister Marsh loves bacon, my wife loves bacon, but I have weaned myself from it when I go out for breakfast with friends on Sunday morning. My wife and I still have bacon sandwiches on Christmas Eve, but that’s a family tradition. I could go without the bacon sandwiches . . . no, I couldn’t, but at least I have limited my intake. I still love butter, too, but I include other healthy alternatives.

Dana says, “We believe a balanced whole foods diet with lean proteins and the higher fiber fruits and vegetables with healthy fats like avocado, whole eggs, coconut and MCT oils are a healthy way to lose weight and heal your body. When you get into ketosis you are burning fat for fuel which gives you more energy, makes you feel better, lose pounds and inches, you sleep better and you are not hungry. You are hungry when it is time to eat but not starving since you are eating a balance of protein and carbs every 2-3 hours to balance blood sugar. So basically our patients are eating 6 meals daily which includes 2 larger meals and 4 smaller.”
MCT oils are “medium chain triglycerides” or “medium chain fatty acids.” MCT oils are colorless and odorless. They blend well with different foods, smoothies, and coffee. They supposedly give extra energy and have brain-boosting benefits.
I like two meals a day, but have snacks in-between. My yard is frequented by deer most of the year. I generally keep apples to feed the bucks and does. I happily munch on Pink Ladies and Fujis. Like my wife, I drink water and other liquids, but no sodas. Again, Dana Luchini has words of wisdom for us. She says, “We also suggest drinking 64-84oz of water daily, 7-8 hours of sleep and walking 3 miles or 1 hour daily for weight loss. Also, its important to have a daily bowel movement for good health and weight loss. We individualize our wellness and weight loss program to meet our patients specific needs and health concerns but this is the basic plan.”
Everyone is different, but the basics still help us all: eat healthy foods and drink lots of sugar free liquids. But sometimes we require a reminder from people we trust.