Have you ever wondered what Jay Leno and Joe Boyle have in common? Huh? Huh” “Well, have you?
Jay Leno, like Joe Boyle, recently had the incredible life experience of operating a highly modified Harley-Davidson motorcycle. It has been described as a motorcycle trike with 3 wheels. On the other hand, it has been described as NOT like a motorcycle trike with 3 wheels.

Watch Jay ride this new invention by clicking LINK – Jay Leno’s Garage & Tilting Motor Works.
Jay Leno wants to be more Joe Boyle like.

Joe Boyle wants to be more Jay Leno like.

You have to ask yourself, are Jay and Joe cool or what?
To chase down this news-breaking story, I added another 171 miles to my 2003 Harley-Davidson 100th Anniversary Peace Officer Edition Road King that had already accumulated 107,064 miles from having traveled all over the US, Canada, and Mexico. During this reconnaissance mission, I rode my 2-wheel Harley to Snohomish, Washington, in my effort to follow in Jay Leno’s footsteps or perhaps better described as Jay Leno’s motorcycle wheel tracks.
The Tilting Motor Works front-end is a fantastic piece of equipment well designed and supported with a first-class manufacturing process that makes this custom machinery appear to be like a piece of mechanical jewelry.
If the idea and safety enhancement of 3 wheels on your motorcycle is an attractive idea to you, but you still want your bike to handle and feel like a 2-wheel motorcycle, check out their company video by clicking my next link: Tilting Motor Works Test Ride Video or the company website at Tilting Motor Works Website. Contact Bob Mighell, Inventor / Owner or John Soderberg, Director of Sales & Marketing (T: 360-302-3008) for a test ride so you can experience the newest innovation in motorcycle riding. If you tell them, Joe Boyle from The Suburban Times sent you, your test ride is free. Of course, if you fail to tell them Joe Boyle sent you, you can avoid having them hang up the phone, and I am confident your test ride will still be free.
The three-wheeled bikes make the impossible – possible. The TRiO lets you counter steer and lean your bike into the corners without compromising your ride. How? The lean is the thing. The trick is to have both front wheels tilt in parallel. This means the TRiO-enhanced bike handles exactly like a conventional two-wheeler – only better! Because, with the extra traction, enhanced stability and better braking provided by two front wheels, you can enjoy increased speed through the curves. (Note: I have violated that old high school and college rule, “Do your own work. Do not copy others. I admit to stealing this well written descriptive paragraph from Mr. Soderberg’s promotional literature. I know it is an accurate paragraph because I rode a Titling Motor Works custom Harley.)
Anyone test riding a Tilting Motor Works custom motorcycle will have bragging rights which will enable them to pose an entertaining question to their friends, “Have you ever wondered what I have in common with Joe Boyle and Jay Leno?”
Before closing this column, I imagine, for some of you, the subject of autographs comes to mind since I am so closely connected to Jay Leno. The answer is yes. I gave Jay a copy of my original draft of this Westside Story with my autograph. If you are ever inside Jay Leno’s Garage, keep a sharp eye out for the Joe Boyle autograph.
Thanks for the great article Joe. It was fun to meet you and Jim and we invite all your readers to visit our factory.