‘Are you in a position where you can raise your right hand and swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?’
Expert testimony in the courtroom was being handled over the phone and the black-robed judge went through the swearing-in formality as if the person on the other end of the line was physically present.
They were not.
Neither was the defendant.

Prosecution asked its questions on the speaker phone of the unseen witness, answers were given, the judge ruled. The infant was to remain in foster care.
Not so next on the docket.
The judge listened patiently to both sides. He’d heard the arguments before. But this time he ruled in favor of the mother that she should be reunited with her baby.
Probably not tomorrow, but soon, she’ll be coming home.
Sitting next to her attorney at the defense table, she began to cry. So did others in the room, including the judge.
He removed his glasses. Wiped at his eyes. His chin trembled.
No words were said.
The gal on the dais charged with the responsibility to announce “All Rise” began distributing Kleenex.
Prosecution left the room as did the mother’s attorney. She had to hurry off to other cases involving children.
But the judge, the court reporter, and the All-Rise Kleenex distributer joined the family where smiles replaced the tears.
She was coming home.
Just a couple miles away in a beautiful facility he lies on a bed below a picture of a lighthouse. On the opposite wall is another picture of the sea. He loved the water. Fishing, boating, just being out there.
Probably not today, maybe not tomorrow, but perhaps soon, he’ll be coming home.
How important is one little lamb, one full-grown sheep? Just one, even though there are 99 others who are accounted for who’ve not – through some dreadful circumstance, and all circumstances are dreadful are they not in stories like this – become separated from where they belong?
Resurrection Sunday answers that question.
One little infant, whose backstory makes her precious beyond description.
One husband, father and grandfather who for over 50 years has been faithful in each of those responsibilities impacting generations.
Each bringing tears, and yet joy too.
Today, tomorrow, the next day. One day, they’re coming home.