Fill in the missing word:
Hit the nail on the (blank).
Use your (blank).
Go to the (blank) of the line.

California senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris wants to be (blank) of this country.
Her recent statement about marijuana, and her admission she smoked pot in college, suggests her head line – the so-called ‘wisdom line’ in Chinese Palm Reading – is very short.
Persons with short head lines, so the interpretation goes, “are usually slow to respond, hasty, careless, indecisive and impulsive.”
And probably smoked pot in college.
How else are we to understand what Harris said?
“I think it (marijuana) gives a lot of people joy. And we need more joy in the world.”
Everyone sing along now:
“Jeremiah was a bull frog
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls now
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me.”
Though even the members of Three Dog Night thought the words to their hit single “Joy to the World” were “silly” and “nonsensical”, should Harris win the Democratic nomination – and even win the 2020 election becoming (blank) of the country – then, like the Denver Broncos who play “Joy to the World” after every home victory, Harris can link arms with Jeremiah the bull frog (her new mascot?) and lead from the national stage as all Americans link arms and dance and sing along.
While the confetti fall.
And cannabis is consumed.
What a wonderful world it will be.
No doubt there’s more to Harris than just tuned-out joy and happiness.
She is after all from California, where cow farts are regulated and the train doesn’t reach the station.
The father of presidential hopeful Kamala Harris didn’t find her comments funny.
Donald J. Harris, emeritus professor of economics at Stanford University, said he and his family wished to “categorically dissociate” themselves from his daughter’s remarks.
Candidate Harris had flippantly responded to an interview question about her admitted pot smoking in college, “Half my family is from Jamaica, are you kidding me?”
Harris’ father took strong exception to his daughter’s disparagement of their heritage.
“Our family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not, with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker” is “a travesty.”
Source: John Wagner, “The Washington Post”, February 21, 2019.
Are you kidding, Dave? If you didn’t try pot in the 60’s, you are the only person I know who didn’t.
No, I’m not kidding. And no, I did not try pot in the 60’s, or the 70’s, etc., etc.
Evidently you did?
Is this ernest heller as in the first hearings examiner for the new City of Lakewood; Municipal Court Judge for the city who, in that capacity, helped expand jurisdictions to serve University Place and Steilacoom?
And, whether you are that same (former) Judge Heller or not, are you offering in this comment of yours anything of substance or have you retired from that too?
According to an article in the February 22, 2019 issue of The Week, “Kamala Harris told the hosts of a hip-hop radio show that in college she would smoke marijuana and listen to the music of Tupac and Snoop Dogg. Harris graduated from college in 1986; Tupac and Snoop Dogg released their debut albums in 1991 and 1993, respectively.” Perhaps she was experiencing a little too much “joy” at the time!!!
Mr. Heller,
You are incorrect about one thing. There were at least 2 of us who did not try dope in the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and now even though marijuana has been voted in as legal by the voting potheads, I still refuse to smoke or eat dope. Dope is for dopes.
Mr. Anderson,
I think you have missed an important concept behind the presidential candidate Kamala Harris plan. If the pot smokers and dopers vote K.H. into office her plan will be as follows:
Step 1: Make dope legal throughout our country and then promote a wider social acceptance of pot smoking so all citizens can experience joy in their lives.
Step 2: While everyone in America gets high and joyful, we citizens will never notice or protest her eradication of the Second Amendment even when our government contracts with UPS and FedX to have their cube vans drive through each neighborhood confiscating guns from all honest, law-abiding, mentally sound Americans.
Joseph Boyle
Thank you for expressing my feelings about the childlike candidates, KH and AOC. Both great examples of the dumbing down of America. And now we learn of a connection between Kamala Harris and Jussie Smollett and their need to call to the lynch law.