On February 23 & 24, TV personality, columnist, storyteller and humorist Dorothy Wilhelm tackles some of the more persistent Northwest legends to discover how they got started and if they are true tales—or tall tales. The result is found in her newest book, True Tales of Puget Sound.
She’ll shares a sampler of those stories at at the Olympia Tumwater History Association – the Schmidt House on Saturday Feb 23 from 1 to 3 and for the DuPont History Association at DuPont City Hall on Sunday Feb 24 from 2 to 4.
Wilhelm gathered these intriguing stories while hosting and producing her TVshow “My Home Town.” She compared “stories you have never heard before” told by the residents of the towns she visited, with what research revealed as the true stories. The book, now in its third printing after just a month on the market, features 20 Puget Sound Communities with stories the residents told when the TV show visited. She then researched the stories and she’ll share the results when she visits the local museums.
Wilhelm describes herself as a lover of “Small History” not the blazing tales of discovery, although she may not be able to resist telling how Lewis and Clark got food poisoning from eating improperly prepared camas. Instead, she prefers the stories of the people and events that really determine why people of Puget Sound Country are the kind of people we are.
Dorothy will offer Small History Stories and book signing. She’ll start each hour with a short story or two and then will be on hand to visit, exchange stories, and sign a book or two if needed. The books will be on sale at both sites.
Information: Dorothy@itsnevertoolate.com or 1-800-548-9264