A four bedroom, 5,000 sq. ft., completely furnished beach front home on Maui for 29.8 million dollars.

I have a Fiverr account and use it to explore unusual marketing ideas. Evidently, I need to widen my view. In case you don’t know what Fiverr is, it allows members to offer goods or services for only $5.00. From having a guy dressed like a pirate deliver a greeting to fake billboards carrying your advertising image or just women holding up a sign and delivering your message. Some deals are really crazy and some are quite interesting.
Fiver allows members to offer goods or services for only $5.00. From having a guy dressed like a pirate deliver a greeting to fake billboards carrying your advertising image or just women holding up a sign and delivering your message.If you are a member of Fiverr, you can visit their website and simply type in “Seattle” for your search. Currently, this would deliver eight different offers. Mine is first. It simply reads “I will market you in Seattle.” The price shows “Starting at $5.” My basic offer is Good Coverage with “Your product or event posted for five days on our Seattle Business News Facebook page.” The $25 Standard Package provides better coverage: “Your product or event will be posted for 30 Days on our Seattle Business News Facebook page.” Or you can chose the $100 Premium Package: “Your product/event posted for 30 Days on Seattle Business News FB page with guaranteed reach of 500.” While watching Sunday Night Football on my desktop, I received notice that my $100 package had been purchased.
Someone wanted to penetrate the Seattle market for a four bedroom, 5,000 sq. ft., completely furnished beach front home on Maui for 29.8 million dollars. It even has a king size canopy bed on the front lawn . . . with curtains! – makenaluxuryhome.com/
Someone wanted to penetrate the Seattle market for a four bedroom, 5,000 sq. ft., beach front home on Maui for 29.8 million dollars.I posted the house on my Seattle Business News page, and threw in posts on Tacoma Business News and Bellevue Business News pages as well. I don’t hold out much chance of selling the home for the client . . . and yet I got my first engagement on the Bellevue Business News page within five minutes . . . on Veterans Day . . . during Sunday Night Football. mmmmmmmmmm