Chief Justice Richard Guy (retired) of the Washington State Supreme Court and Larry Fowler ”The Lincoln Guy” discuss the Supreme court in Abraham Lincoln’s time and now when they meet Dorothy Wilhelm on Swimming Upstream. Is the Supreme Court in our time working the way it was intended? I don’t know, but we’ll find out.

DL Fowler, often called “The Lincoln Guy” is an award winning author who often transports readers deep inside the lives of characters, real or imagined. While crafting Lincoln-Raw a biographical novel, the author immersed himself for more than a decade in exhaustive research. Lincoln Raw is curated in the Lincoln collection of the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library.
Swimming Upstream, a hybrid radio/podcast is available at any hour of the day or night at (sob stands for spunky old broads – all of the hosts are women past fifty). You can also find it at
Listen to “Chief Justice Richard Guy (retired) and Larry Fowler ”The Lincoln Guy”” on Spreaker.
For information, or 1-800-548-9264.