Alan Archambault – Distinguished Historian and illustrator – is SWIMMING UPSTREAM with Dorothy Wilhelm this week. Archambault has written many excellent history books but his true love, he says, is illustration and he is most proud of his sketchbooks: Northern soldiers-a past redrawn.

The day-to-day obstacles and successes of Union troops come to life through these evocative and illuminating drawings. This is the companion volume to The Confederate Infantryman: A Sketchbook, this well-researched collection of line drawings captures the minutiae of everyday life.
On the show, Alan tackles the answer to some tough questions like, Why do we need history and are today’s conditions worse than the Good Old Days?
You can hear his answers, and catch up on shows you may have missed at or
Listen to “Alan Archambault – Distinguished Historian” on Spreaker.
BTW, Dorothy and guests are recording Swimming Upstream at the Lakewood Senior Activity Center this Friday, October 26, from 9:00 to 12:00. Drop in any time, to meet local author Larry Fowler, graphic novelist Abrian Curington, and The Suburban Times own Susanne Bacon. Come for the morning, or just drop in for a few minutes. It’s always fun and audience is always welcome.