Submitted by Don Doman.
Quite some time ago, I was invited to a luncheon by my buddy Chuck Hellar. Chuck was president of the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 at the time. The luncheon was to learn more about TACID (Tacoma Area Coalition of Individuals with Disabilities). I was asked to join the board, but the board meeting day didn’t work with my schedule. A couple of years later, however I did join. At the first meeting I was asked to co-chair the fundraising breakfast. I knew next to nothing about TACID operations, but agreed to be co-chair. I thought it would be a good learning experience. The following week the chairman was transferred to Seattle leaving me as the new chairman. Such is life.

As chairman I found myself working with Roy Kimble and Dave Thomas, both fellow Tacoma Rotarians. Roy was an independent contractor who did a great job working on fundraising events for many different non-profits. Dave was a banker and a member of our TACID Financial Development committee. The three of us made a fantastic team. I loved working with these guys. We planned and joked, and kidded each other and planned some more. Roy has had some medical problems, Dave retired and he and his wife moved to Arizona, and I rotated off the board after two terms as board chair. It was a lot of work putting together the TACID Breakfast, but we produced organizational funds and spread the news about TACID.

We worked on other fun fundraising events as well. My favorite was the TACID Spaghetti Feed where everyone had to eat a full-course spaghetti dinner wearing blindfolds. This event let people experience what it is like to suffer from eyesight problems. People, laughed, ate, enjoyed, and talked about the event for weeks afterward. It was a lot of fun.
On October 3rd you have the opportunity to have a free lunch (no blindfolds included) to learn more about TACID. The luncheon will be held at the Boys and Girls Club Topping Center from noon until one. Excellent sandwiches will be provided. You’ll hear about TACID and meet people who have experienced TACID programs. Call 253-565-9000 for more information. Please, join TACID for a free lunch and see what TACID is all about. –

Well done, Don. It brings back good memories…..and I recall our table was always the messiest after we left the Spaghetti Dinner. Oh well, nice to be remembered for something 🙂