We received a hand addressed envelope in the mail. Inside were two gift cards and a note. I love the quotation from A Streetcar Named Desire, “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” I don’t depend on it, but I do appreciate it, and when it happens I remember it. As a young family, someone paid off our television set. Twenty-two years ago I was driving a brand-new Camaro convertible on loan from the new car dealer. I had just passed through Gorst on my way to Bremerton and I had a flat tire. I was on my way to a meeting. Someone stopped immediately and changed my tire. No reason given. No money required. Just a kind stranger.

Small kindnesses happen all the time and they make life a joy. Just holding a door open for you or giving a cheerful smile when you’re feeling down is nice and only takes a few seconds out of a day and costs nothing. To go beyond that is memorable. It’s what I read about in Raves and Rants from the Seattle Times.
My wife had sent a gift card from Half-Price Books and one from Amazon as birthday presents to our granddaughter Daron Ann. Each card was worth $30. Daron Ann had been house sitting. Inside the envelop was a nice note explaining. The letter came from someone who had just moved into the home and didn’t recognize the name addressed on it. Someone else might have just used the cards and enjoyed a book or two, but by taking the time and sending the cards back to us the woman made our day. Thank you, Nayeli.