In early May, Richard Dorsett and I manned a table in the Hall of Friendship at the Rotary District 5020 Conference at The Murano. We met with Rotarians from across District 5020 (Kelso to Vancouver Island) and told them about the Foldscope, which is a fully-functional mini-microscope the user assembles with origami principles (folding and creasing) –
The conference was a continuation of support from the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8, where I am a past president. As we were buoyed and enthused meeting Rotarians from around the district, one of our greatest concerns was Richard’s eye infection. He had reservations to fly to Asia the day after the conference, but dreaded the possibility of needing medical care once the trip started. They continued, which slowed down Richard for a day or so, but he and his wife Liz, used the down time to make contacts with schools and Rotarians. His first presentation was at the Sisters of Providence School for Girls.

I’m still waiting on clarification about the latest presentation at a class with thirty-some students. We have video footage of the training as the cover image on our Foldscopes Facebook page –
We have a request from an American teacher in Thailand, who would love to have Richard present to her class. We also have a formal request. We call Richard the Johnny Appleseed of Microbiology, but he’s been called a philanthropist, which blew his mind, and now he’s being called Professor!
Siriraj hospital, Mahidol university.“Dear Prof.Richard,
Greetings ! First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Anchisa Angkanasinsiri, I am a representation on behalf of Dr. Anchalee, head of Parasitology department, Siriraj hospital, Mahidol university.
According to your discussion with Prof. Pongparadee about Foldscope workshop, we would like to invite you to set the workshop here at Parasitology department, Siriraj hospital. May I ask you for the appropriate date to set the workshop. The department is available until 13JUN2018.
With kind regards,
Anchisa Angkanasinsiri,MD”
Now, we just have to figure out where the hospital is and how Richard can get there.
In the mean time we are starting to get more requests for presentations here in Washington: first up the Rotary Club of Chehalis.
Our Foldscopes adventures and success began with initial funding from the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8 and our travel stories in the Suburban Times. Richard promises an update soon from his travels . . . and yes, the eye is doing fine, now.