A stage reading sounds boring, but is anything but. It’s a form of theatre without sets or full costumes. Imagine reading a book to a young child. It takes more that just reading the lines to keep children interested – voice inflections, expressions, gestures. It’s the same with audiences. A stage reading involves actors and a director. The actors possibly reading from scripts, may be seated, or stand in fixed positions. The set may be minimal or non-existent. There is also scant stage movement. The last staged reading I saw featured our long-time friend Tim Hoban in Dear Liar. It was wonderful.

Tacoma Little Theatre is presenting Richard Schenkkan’s politically charged, Building the Wall, as a stage reading. It will be directed by Randy Clark. Randy is a well seasoned actor and director in the Tacoma area. He’s currently sits on the board at TLT and he and his wife, Aya Hashiguchi Clark are the driving force of Dukesbay Productions, which features multi-culture presentations in Tacoma and Pierce County.

Building the Wall is written by Pulitzer Prize and Tony® Award-winning playwright Robert Schenkkan (All the Way, The Kentucky Cycle, Hacksaw Ridge). Written in “a white heat” fury following the November 2016 election, Schenkkan’s Building the Wall imagines a dystopia impacted by President Trump’s border and immigration policies. It’s the near future and millions of undocumented immigrants have been detained in overflowing prisons. Now, a writer interrogates the director of a private prison as he awaits sentencing for carrying out the federal policy that has escalated into the unimaginable. This riveting and illuminating drama delivers a powerful warning and puts a human face on the inhuman, revealing how, when personal accountability is denied, what seems inconceivable becomes inevitable.

The play is an incendiary political thriller that is captivating audiences across the country. Here is what other reviewers have said about Building the Wall:
“A must-see show!” – The New York Times

“A mesmerizing and shocking new play that simmers with of-the-moment urgency.” – The Hollywood Reporter
Building the Wall features renowned actors Scott C. Brown and Ieisha McIntire. Like our friend Tim Hoban’s performances, Peg and I also enjoy following our friend Scott C. Brown. I also look forward to watching Ieisha.
This is a one night only “off the shelf” performance. Tickets for the June 7, 2018 performance at 7:30pm are $10.00 for non TLT Members, and FREE for those who are members. Tickets may be purchased online at www.tacomalittletheatre.com, or by calling our Box Office at (253) 272-2281.

Building the Wall addresses immigration and the future of our world.