Intrepid hiker and world traveler Richard Dorsett stands by the window everyday watching and waiting for the delivery of Foldscopes (the origami folding microscope). He has tickets for Laos on December 28th. Once in Asia he will begin handing out Foldscope to middle school students to spark an interest is science. He will write of his adventures for The Suburban Times.

Sponsored by the the Rotary Club of Tacoma #8, he will be the Johnny Appleseed of Microbiology. I bought a Foldscope on Ebay, so Richard could practice folding and building one. It turns that was a really good idea. The origami folding and creasing project is a little harder than we first thought. Richard said, “I could easily get a job at Ikea, now.” It turned out to be a three step project (see the steps in the image). We’re keeping our fingers crossed for delivery. The Foldscope once finished is a fully functional microscope and can even project microscopic images onto surfaces. Initial costs per microscope is only $3 each. More later . . .