Just time to get into the spirit of Christmas, everyone is welcome on December 1 when Dorothy Wilhelm records her “Swimming Upstream” at the Lakewood Senior Activity Center. Audience is welcome when the Christmas Party begins at 10:00 with a call from Santa.

Guests for the live performance will be the St John Bosco Gospel Choir, John Reed, musician and performer. Jeanine Wargo will give ideas for keeping Christmas happy with the whole family. Then for a special treat, Lita Kuala and her huge local, local loving family with more than 100 immediate members will tell how they keep track of each other at Christmas time. Stories and Christmas songs are promised.
When the show is over, the St. John Bosco Gospel Choir will entertain with a mini concert and a Christmas Carol Sing Along and it’s free.
Recording starts at 8:15 a.m. and audience is welcome at any time but the party starts at 10:00 with that call from Santa.
To hear some of the past Swimming Upstream podcasts go to: https://www.spreaker.com/show/swimming-upstream-radio-show
God Bless Us Every One!