As I travel around our planet, I am constantly amazed at what there is to see. No, I am not talking about the solar eclipse. I am talking about the genius move depicted in my photo below.
This backyard mechanic is not and I repeat, not a Phi Beta Kappa.
5,000 people are seriously injured and several die each year taking this do it yourself backyard mechanic shortcut. Interestingly, there were no women listed in the death statistics. Why is there gender inequality in the death statistics? Because women never put themselves in the kill zone by pulling a stunt like this.
Part of my job as a police officer was stupidity eradication. I have no idea how many lives I saved by rolling up on someone in the middle of their genius move and saying to them, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
In an effort to sell them on my accident avoidance tip, I would often share a story from my police files describing the crushing disaster I discovered during a previous 911 call.
As I have said many times before, there are two ways to learn things, the easy way and the hard way.
So you are assuming responsibility for de-railing the evolution of less stupid people? The Darwin Award may help to improve the species.
This (assuming it’s a guy) actually sorta had the right idea by using jack stands, but he did commit a couple of no-no’s. His mistakes are 1) not being on solid ground like concrete or asphalt, and 2) putting the rear jack stands way high up on blocks. The latter is the big one – it’s generally OK to increase the lift on your jack stands a few inches by setting the stands on broad supports, like a couple of 2×8’s or so, but he’s pushing it. Not sure what he’s doing that he needs the back end up so high….