I love walking around the planet because you never know what you are going to run into and as you know, I am always looking for the funny.

Today I made it all the way to Bainbridge Island before I found the funny.

The word incongruity comes to mind. I rest my case.
Thanks for the funny! But are you sure it’s his wife’s? It matches his shorts.
🙂 !!!
Yup it’s a Murse (man purse).
Purses are very practical. If I had any guts, I would carry one.
Hey Joe,…..I, likewise, have a T-shirt with that same expression on the back and wear it proudly at all important functions! It was a gift from one of my wife’s girlfriends and is most appropriate apparel on any RV outing with our motor home group. I feel I qualify to wear it due to my age but am not so convinced regarding the expression….as my wife continually reminds me.
Thanks Joe Boyle. You inspire the funny in all of us.
Is that a little dog in his purse?